Monday, July 03, 2006

so hold up we need another one
what we got is all good

thank you sara & bridget for making my day! haha went to bridget's house early in the morning after i was awaken by her stupid phone call at 11am ): went online, talked nonsense, did math HAHA, ordered pizza. then we walked out to fetch sara and the clever girl missed her stop. see this was what happened.

(i didnt exactly catch the conversation, but I THINK it went like this)
bridget: sara, please get off when you see LORONG CHUAN on the bus stop.
(sara misses the stop & gets off at PAYA LEBAR)
bridget: i thought i told you to get off at LORONG CHUAN?!
sara: but the bus stop said LOR CHUAN!!!

haha see how smart she is. anyway we went back to bridget's house, had pizza & watched i not stupid : D heehee & we talked about stuff, as usual la : ) love them.


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