Sunday, July 02, 2006

i never thought that
i'd be living on your floor

k i'm supposed to post a tribute to jacq cause it was her birthday on friday. haha okay here goes >

jacqueline melissa hongadi is the most wonderful nurse in the world. i knew her in sec1, but i never really talked to her till this year. anyway she's really really nice & she was always there for me when i needed someone to talk to. and she'd write me long long letters to cheer me up & all. there was a period of time i was really upset & jacq was there : ) all the time, without fail. haha she gave me this super cutesy card & squeezed in a long letter & made her handwriting super super small. jacq is a super true friend : ) really really. she can always find the right words to say to you & encourage you & all that. okay jacq's really great & she's fun to be with. we can laugh & play together and we can cry together too : ) I LOVE YOU JACQ!

anyway, im still scared of coming online, i just dont know why.


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