Saturday, July 01, 2006

and my resistance was once much stronger
and i know i can't go on like this much longer

today was.. open house. met lou at macs at uhm, 7. bought breakfast for lingjing & cindy cause the two busy people were in school very early. anyway we didnt do much :/ got super sick of singing the same songs over & over again but oh well. cabbed to tuition, dropped lou off at her house, yeaah. tuition was great, i was late by 40 minutes & really, no one was in the mood to do anything! haha we just sat around & talked, even the teacher! haha damn funny. & it was nice talking to jeryl! : D no one did any questions pls, we all just copied 2 miserable answers from the board! haha damn funny. then we all just went back to talking about.. stuff, hahaha! really, tuition always makes saturdays better.

yesterday was fun
jiaxuan gave me a whole roll of stickers! yay :)
talked to ziqian about some stuff
shaorou was being noisy as usual :)
it was jacq's birthday
gonghua & i invented some rubbish song but we've forgotten the lyrics
6/7 groups didnt submit their PW hahaha
lou lingjing cindy & rachel ho are fun to hang out with
bus ride home was fun

okay byebye.


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