Wednesday, June 28, 2006

under the bridge downtown
forgot about my love

k so jubilate was yesterday, & i dont really wanna comment on it. & choir rocked, that's all we need to know, really : ) macdonalds with rachel ong after that at kallang, then we took the wrong train & ended up at bugis, then her parents picked us up from there : ) talked alot & it felt good : ) haha anyway her dad's really nice! thank you ong's dad! reached home, called lou & talked for rather long, then i read till i fell asleep.

woke up at 11+ today, jiaxuan's mom sent me, xunmin & may to jiehui's house. && the session was extremely unproductive, harharhar. we went to the movie room & just started watching the weird chinese show that was on. then we watched when a stranger calls till the disc stopped halfway ): then we watched bring it on! : D then lunch, more bring it on, then we all went home. haha so much for doing pw! but anyway i had a good day : ) it felt really really good.

before i go, i wanna say some stuff to some people : )

cordelia hello slut who's always been there for me no matter what. i dont think you're a slut at all but still! yes we are true friends la please : ) i shall show you smth next time! haha i hope you're wearing the nice slut necklace alot! i love you plenty, really really.
louisa hey, late night talks are good. haha & i'm glad she's not angry! haha and if you tell anyone about --- I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. haha i'll ask her soon, but not now. anyway! thanks for talking to me just now. yeah im not guilty so im not gonna do anything. i love you angel -hugs.
xueting HELLO I LOVE YOU. theres nothing much to say really, just thanks for being there & being so supportive : ) you mean alot to me
lingjing SARA, i am thankful for you too : D really, you & xueting & serene are the only three people i can talk to about -. I LOVE YOU MY DEAR.

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me


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