Thursday, May 18, 2006

never have to look you in the eye
it's easier to lie, easier to lie

i love oth! haha and they're bringing back season 4! yay.

anyway im sick now ): and thus i'm not in school. school this week's been.. up & down. monday night & tuesday morning was shit. but it's all okay now, and i dont think i've been happier. my dad's in new york now, and although we hardly talk when he's around in singapore, i think i miss him. guest performed for anderson concert last night, was okay i suppose. tjak was alright i think. mm was supposed to go out for supper with clique, but ong & grace left cause it was pretty late already. anyhow, cinch serene racho & i headed to raffles city but everything was closing omg. then we went to burger king & ate some :) uhm we left around 1030+ then serene & i trained home while cindy & racho waited for cindy's brother to come pick them from there. haha i enjoyed the train ride home with serene! talked about alot of things, and it was fun & nice & all. i've really really missed our backyard talks.

anyway! ss test tmrw, and the weird pw draft 2 due and my group hasnt started HAHAHAHA


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