Friday, October 20, 2006

There's nothing good about goodbye
I can swear I saw you cry

The past few days have been okay :] Today was pretty alright, had t go t Ngee Ann Poly t serve food at the National Colours Awards thing, haha Xueting, Andrea, Lingjing, Weiling & I were doing the VIPs! Yay I didn't spill food on anyone. Anyway then after the guests & all left, we (students) all started eating like pigs, HAHA. Then I felt horrible in Lingjing's car on the way to Toa Payoh MRT, oh well. Mm trained with Andrea to Bishan then bus-ed home :] Today's been tiring, I don't know if I should sleep soon nevermind.

Tmrw tmrw! Gym with Jiaxuan at 10 HAHA so early, oh well I've to meet Cordelia at Kovan at 930 to pass her smth, then after gym it's Lou's house to watch her make smth! Okay so fun so fun. I CANT WAIT FOR TMRW, I need to burn calories ]:

Oh! I've been watching OC every night & now I think I'm obsessed with L word, yay so fun! Haha I'm happy byebye now!


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