Thursday, October 05, 2006

Whatever you want, whatever you need
I'll hold my breath until you tell me to breathe

SS today was pretty alright :] Hurray! Met Cinch at the bus stop near her house, went to school Macs to study then decided we couldn't study there so we went to school to meet Lou & Becks, haha but I don't think we studied very much. Oh well! Stayed back with Jiaxuan to study Lit after the paper, but again we didn't study much haha. Okay I managed to file my notes & all that, then we each read a few lines of JLC or something & spent the rest of our time talking rubbish or laughing at people. Then her mom came to pick us up at 6+ :]

Went over to Hannah's yesterday to study & I did study okay! I hope that girl does well for her A Math tmrw :] Anyway I'm meeting her after paper & my Lit tmrw, hurray. John Tucker Must Die :] Then it's tuition with Lou at night. Tomorrow's going to be a good day, I'm meeting Cindy at 0645! Wah we're mad.


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