Monday, October 09, 2006

And all I had was the memory of what was
So let's pretend it never mattered to us

The EOYs are finally over. Amath today was pretty okay, I suppose. Lou & I nearly died studying at the club yesterday.

1) Pipe smokers
2) We ate alot ]:
3) Amath just made us want to cry

Anyhow, I did like, 5 or 6 questions & then we spent a good 2 or 3 hours talking :] Ohhh & Ryan came over last night, hurray. Haha he spent like all his time here teaching me Amath. Thank youuu :]

Went to school pretty early today, at 8+ with Lou. Mm then Michelle & CC came to teach us, yay. Okay I learnt alot this morning! If I'd taken the paper last night or something, more than half of it would be blank. And I drank TC water & used TC pen haha so Amath was pretty much :] Went to Prata House with Brata after the paper & everyone had fun being mean to Shaorou, as usual. Haha okay how mean. But we're all gonna wish her good luck at 11:11 tonight! ALL THE BEST, BESTIE FOR YOUR F&N! Mm then Xunmin Jiaxuan Jiehui & I went to Jiehui's house, and we acted Joy Luck Club by playing Mahjong, haha super fun! I dont know how come at one point in time I ended up with 18 tiles & Xunmin kept laughing nonstop at me. Anw then after that we played daidee & Rat-A-Tat Cat! Haha that game is funny. Then Jiaxuan's mum came to pick us up & she dropped me at the usual bus stop, at Jiaxuan's place near Hougang & I spent a good 1hr45minutes walking home, what joy. Met Cindy along the way, got the ipod back & we talked abit :]

I am so tired I fell asleep watching ANTM ]:

Anyway before I go,



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