Saturday, October 14, 2006

Just a little bit, just a little bit,
You would kill for this.

This week passed so quickly, I can hardly remember what happened. Tuesday was shopping with Cordelia, Wednesday was Sentosa, Thursday was Games Carnival & Friday was reflection.

I had more fun than I expected to have on Thursday. Haha the softball team really rocked :] We kept running to the canteen to get drinks & stuff then in the end Jiaxuan & I felt so gross after drinking milo, ugh. But Thursday was good nevertheless. Then during lunch Diana Ho Shuli just kept bullying me ]: Went for choir for awhile, then bus-ed home with Lou Kaile & Serene. And then Serene & I ended up talking at the bus stop for 1&1/2 hours haha super fun we felt like the free-est people on earth.

Friday was pretty good, reflection was alright. Jiaxuan & I slept through most of the first half :\ During the second half Huiyu & I felt nothing at all, oh well. It was okay overall, I suppose. Stayed back with Jacq Onyu Chords & Pam to do Jacq's campaign stuff, then went to Macs & we talked quite abit : D

Today Jiaxuan & I were supposed to go to Hougang gym to exercise HAHA & burn off fats, but we wasted a good hour doing nothing at Heartland mall. We were supposed to meet at 1PM, then that girl msged me saying she was gonna be late cause she just missed the bus. So I decided to go into Cold Storage to look at the amount of calories different varieties of cereal / chocolate / juices contained. And I spent a good 40 minutes inside there comparing the fat & calorie content in all those stuff, thinking that Lim Jiaxuan had not arrived yet. Little did I know that inside Cold Storage there was no reception. So after I decided to head out of Cold Storage, my phone started vibrating nonstop & so many messages were pouring in. Then I went up to the second floor & the minute Jiaxuan saw me I think she wanted to faint HAHA. Then she wanted to develop photos & wow, in the end she developed ONE. Mm bus-ed there & we talked alot of rubbish, alot more than we exercised ohwell it was fun :] And then I spent 45 minutes walking home from there. When I reached home, I fell asleep on the sofa :]

Tmrw will be a busy day!


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