Thursday, October 26, 2006

I cant break away from these chains to my heart
The further you push me the closer you are

I don't want to blog about today, I don't know why. Only one good thing happened today :]

Jacqueline M Hongadi / Nursey > I am here to proclaim my great love for you, HAHAHA. Okay, congrats my dear. You really deserve the post :] & I know you'll do your job exceedingly well. You've no idea how proud I am of you. Haha I think I've said everything that I want to tell you in the letter already & I mean every single word of it okay :] I always knew you had it in you, whoa since January please! & really, you did everything on your own. Haha most of the time I was just talking rubbish when you asked me stuff :\ Anyway Nursey, thank you for everything you've given me & all that you've done for me. I don't think I would've made it through 2006 this well without you, I love you :]

Caifen > Hello my dear, I don't know how you're feeling right now. But you're making all of us very sad ]: I just want you to know that 3G will always be here for you yup! And you're part of the class, so you must take the class tee okay :] Take care my dear, be a happy kid & always remember that we love you.

Okay byebye now, I am happy that I am going to spent tomorrow at Lingjing's :]

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fate is an elegant, cold-hearted whore
She loves salting my wounds

I don't want to move, I haven't packed anything at all. No more Dora & Chewmin dropping by the house whenever they go jogging, no more meeting Hannah at the letterbox, no more talking to Serene at the bus stop ]:

Oh well, I just like to get through each day :]

Friday, October 20, 2006

There's nothing good about goodbye
I can swear I saw you cry

The past few days have been okay :] Today was pretty alright, had t go t Ngee Ann Poly t serve food at the National Colours Awards thing, haha Xueting, Andrea, Lingjing, Weiling & I were doing the VIPs! Yay I didn't spill food on anyone. Anyway then after the guests & all left, we (students) all started eating like pigs, HAHA. Then I felt horrible in Lingjing's car on the way to Toa Payoh MRT, oh well. Mm trained with Andrea to Bishan then bus-ed home :] Today's been tiring, I don't know if I should sleep soon nevermind.

Tmrw tmrw! Gym with Jiaxuan at 10 HAHA so early, oh well I've to meet Cordelia at Kovan at 930 to pass her smth, then after gym it's Lou's house to watch her make smth! Okay so fun so fun. I CANT WAIT FOR TMRW, I need to burn calories ]:

Oh! I've been watching OC every night & now I think I'm obsessed with L word, yay so fun! Haha I'm happy byebye now!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Used is the new black
Downloads are the new crack


> Campaigns!
> Talenttime was Embarrassing, but hilarious nevertheless
> I got scolded cause my shoe had a hole & it lead to my nametag getting confiscated subsequently, yay.
> Choir was okay :]

I am a happy girl!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Life was better before was smaller
The minds computer will fuck the world up

English. Was. Such. A. Disappointment.

I really wanted to kill myself when I saw the compo marks, no kidding. Chinese made me happy, I didn't feel anything when I got Physics & Emath back. Chemistry surprised me.

After school today was fun with Lou, cabbing from school to Toa Payoh to Hougang then to Central for tuition :] Oh we spent $20 cabbing around, what joy. But still! It was fun :]

Hello Mom, you never fail to make me suicidal, congratulations.

You knew that this would kill me,
But you carried on and on, with your selfish shit.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

You're just a waste of a song. You're a simple regret.
I thought I knew who you were, but watch how fast I forget.

Today was spent doing Hongadi's stickers & all that :] As usual, I fell asleep upon reaching home. Woke up for dinner haha, talked to Ryan, yay!

I've been having strange dreams, okay but they're kinda amusing. There's school tomorrow ]: Results, RAH!

And I promised my sister an iPod if she scored >275 for PSLE, I am so nice.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Just a little bit, just a little bit,
You would kill for this.

This week passed so quickly, I can hardly remember what happened. Tuesday was shopping with Cordelia, Wednesday was Sentosa, Thursday was Games Carnival & Friday was reflection.

I had more fun than I expected to have on Thursday. Haha the softball team really rocked :] We kept running to the canteen to get drinks & stuff then in the end Jiaxuan & I felt so gross after drinking milo, ugh. But Thursday was good nevertheless. Then during lunch Diana Ho Shuli just kept bullying me ]: Went for choir for awhile, then bus-ed home with Lou Kaile & Serene. And then Serene & I ended up talking at the bus stop for 1&1/2 hours haha super fun we felt like the free-est people on earth.

Friday was pretty good, reflection was alright. Jiaxuan & I slept through most of the first half :\ During the second half Huiyu & I felt nothing at all, oh well. It was okay overall, I suppose. Stayed back with Jacq Onyu Chords & Pam to do Jacq's campaign stuff, then went to Macs & we talked quite abit : D

Today Jiaxuan & I were supposed to go to Hougang gym to exercise HAHA & burn off fats, but we wasted a good hour doing nothing at Heartland mall. We were supposed to meet at 1PM, then that girl msged me saying she was gonna be late cause she just missed the bus. So I decided to go into Cold Storage to look at the amount of calories different varieties of cereal / chocolate / juices contained. And I spent a good 40 minutes inside there comparing the fat & calorie content in all those stuff, thinking that Lim Jiaxuan had not arrived yet. Little did I know that inside Cold Storage there was no reception. So after I decided to head out of Cold Storage, my phone started vibrating nonstop & so many messages were pouring in. Then I went up to the second floor & the minute Jiaxuan saw me I think she wanted to faint HAHA. Then she wanted to develop photos & wow, in the end she developed ONE. Mm bus-ed there & we talked alot of rubbish, alot more than we exercised ohwell it was fun :] And then I spent 45 minutes walking home from there. When I reached home, I fell asleep on the sofa :]

Tmrw will be a busy day!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I've nothing to say, except


Monday, October 09, 2006

And all I had was the memory of what was
So let's pretend it never mattered to us

The EOYs are finally over. Amath today was pretty okay, I suppose. Lou & I nearly died studying at the club yesterday.

1) Pipe smokers
2) We ate alot ]:
3) Amath just made us want to cry

Anyhow, I did like, 5 or 6 questions & then we spent a good 2 or 3 hours talking :] Ohhh & Ryan came over last night, hurray. Haha he spent like all his time here teaching me Amath. Thank youuu :]

Went to school pretty early today, at 8+ with Lou. Mm then Michelle & CC came to teach us, yay. Okay I learnt alot this morning! If I'd taken the paper last night or something, more than half of it would be blank. And I drank TC water & used TC pen haha so Amath was pretty much :] Went to Prata House with Brata after the paper & everyone had fun being mean to Shaorou, as usual. Haha okay how mean. But we're all gonna wish her good luck at 11:11 tonight! ALL THE BEST, BESTIE FOR YOUR F&N! Mm then Xunmin Jiaxuan Jiehui & I went to Jiehui's house, and we acted Joy Luck Club by playing Mahjong, haha super fun! I dont know how come at one point in time I ended up with 18 tiles & Xunmin kept laughing nonstop at me. Anw then after that we played daidee & Rat-A-Tat Cat! Haha that game is funny. Then Jiaxuan's mum came to pick us up & she dropped me at the usual bus stop, at Jiaxuan's place near Hougang & I spent a good 1hr45minutes walking home, what joy. Met Cindy along the way, got the ipod back & we talked abit :]

I am so tired I fell asleep watching ANTM ]:

Anyway before I go,


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Everytime I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray

I feel super super slack. Anyhow, John Tucker yesterday was good :] Mm sat by the roadside after the show & did nothing at all haha & I didn't know there was a haze problem then. So we basically sat outdoors & breathed in all the harmful air ]: Then went for tuition with Lou & we did stuff okay! I got all my trigo questions correct, hip hip hurray.

My dad seems nicer when my mom isnt in town.

& The exams are driving us all insane. Either that, or the haze has gotten into my brain :\

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Whatever you want, whatever you need
I'll hold my breath until you tell me to breathe

SS today was pretty alright :] Hurray! Met Cinch at the bus stop near her house, went to school Macs to study then decided we couldn't study there so we went to school to meet Lou & Becks, haha but I don't think we studied very much. Oh well! Stayed back with Jiaxuan to study Lit after the paper, but again we didn't study much haha. Okay I managed to file my notes & all that, then we each read a few lines of JLC or something & spent the rest of our time talking rubbish or laughing at people. Then her mom came to pick us up at 6+ :]

Went over to Hannah's yesterday to study & I did study okay! I hope that girl does well for her A Math tmrw :] Anyway I'm meeting her after paper & my Lit tmrw, hurray. John Tucker Must Die :] Then it's tuition with Lou at night. Tomorrow's going to be a good day, I'm meeting Cindy at 0645! Wah we're mad.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I've failed your summer ways
And I feel no pain

I hate you I hate you I hate you

For all that you've done to her.

You know who you are: You'll always have me, please don't worry too much okay. And stop thinking too much, I'm glad you called & I'm glad you shared. I love you.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Stay awake with the sound of my voice
I'm restless from the silence in the air

Screw Physics, I swear I'm going to fail. I give up, ugh. The weekend's been pretty good :] Met & caught up with people :]

Went over to Chewmin's at around 9 yesterday & Hannah was already there, haha I thought she'd be late. Anyway then they baked Dora a cake! And added alot of weird ingredients :\ Mm then we walked over to Dora's & that pig was still sleeping! Haha her mum let us in & we successfully sneaked into her room without waking her up while closing the door & all that. Then Hannah the idiot started fiddling with Dora's new Zen Vision & the clicking noises woke her up! So we sang her her birthday song & Hannah the act pro tried playing it on the guitar but everything was clashing, HAHA. Then we slacked around in her room doing nothing & I fell asleep on the bed. Left at around 12+ & I was supposed to meet Jiaxuan at school Macs at 12! Haha sorry Jiaxuan! Mdm Lee came around 1330, then we just did Physics like nobody's business but until now I still don't get it ]: Then Jiehui came & Jiaxuan left for tuition & I reached home at around 5+ or sth then I fell asleep again, ugh. Oh I felt very productive at night haha I did mole concept! :] And then I went offline at 4AM, hip hip hurray.

Today tuition was supposed to be at 1030 & I woke up at 10, and had to run to tuition haha it was quite funny actually but now I have blisters ]: Tuition was pretty good, at least I kind of understand the stupid mercury barometer. Then Lou's mum drove us to SGCC, had lunch & proceeded to the study room to study & I think we did quite okay :] But as usual, we talked alot & did alot of nonsense but nevermind!

Okay I should go back to studying Physics, I'm really really really going to fail. Rahhhhh