Saturday, July 29, 2006

because you live there's a reason why
i carry on when i lose the fight

ohkay i forgot to mention that fridays are pabby&tabby days as well! haha

there you go pabby, i love you.

tuition today was good with felicia, i can honestly say i've learnt smth.

loutan was sick yesterday, so lingj & i went over to her place to visit her & pass her stuff. mmhmm mostly the two of us just talked while lou lay in bed & listened to all our rubbish. haha lingj & i were really really wet thanks to the rain & the fact that neither of us had an umbrella. but it was fun still :]

jiaxuan just called me.

jiaxuan : eh you better put songs into your thumbdrive for me. or else i dont print your shirts.
yingqi: huh what songs?
jiaxuan: i dont care. you better do something, or no shirts.
yingqi: but what songs do you want?
jiaxuan: you better do something.
yingqi: HUH?!
jiaxuan: you better do something, BYEBYE!

goodness me :/

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dont go, you said you wouldnt, you said you wouldnt
Dont go, you said you wouldnt, you said you couldnt

great im gna fail geog tmrw & i have just been reminded that we need to do some skit for pw tmrw! oh no ): this is very bad. anyway! this week has been Great :] haha yep i've had alot of fun doing er, alot of random things but yep. it's been a good week. oh right, the bodyguard has been walking me to class faithfully every morning, haha it's really a good start to my day :] & when either of us can't make it, she says "please wear a bullet proof vest" HAHA. i love the bodyguard, yay. okay okay i have to go & er, study & attempt to do the skit thing!

You say hello, inside I'm screaming I love you
You say goodnight, in my mind
I'm sleeping next to you

Friday, July 21, 2006


okay obviously i did not blog the below. obviously, it was lingjing & cc (hereafter known as lingjingjie) & louisa did a little. school was okay today, we swapped seats haha. sat with luiza :] & er we just talked alot of rubbish. the school ran out of chocolate hello panda so i could not have recess but nevermind. after school was good, talking with lou jing & serene :] then lou lingjingjie & i cabbed to lou's place. we ordered pizza, haha it was reasonable (according to lingjing) so jingjie ordered it. HAHA im still laughing about the stupid lingjingjie thing :/ ohkay we didnt do much at all, except guess the name of lou's toy, throw toys at each other & play solitaire. then lingjing's dad sent cc & i to the bus stop :] yay thank you for a nice afternoon lou & lingjingjie! oh & ive decided to colour code the below blog post, so you know who blogged what. louisa lingjing cc


hello all, im here today to declare my love for lou & lingjing, as well as my hate for chingchong.

i love lingjing and lou, they rock my world. however, i hate chingchong cos she really bullies me. she's never nice to me !

anyway my name is YINGSY WINGSY, but only lou can call me that. and maybe chingchong, if she ever stops bullying me. however, i do not think it is actually possible, cos she's very mean like meanie.

blah blah blah
la la la
pa pa bu zai jia

hahahahha, ohkay im so sleepy. erm lingj is sleepy her eyes are half closed and i want to let her sleep

i shall continue my song

wo qing ke ren xian zuo xia



i dont wana touch your chest

im major, i roar


today's hot
i shall cotninue my song



I think me, lou and lingjing are damn retarded. you canleave out the lingjing
she'e so nice and adorable

You can add in the lingjing. I think cc is the most refined person in this room right now and she's the only sane one. She's too refined and too good to mix w - ermmmmm they are fighting now


(> " " <)
( ='o'= )

this is a kitty a very cute one awwwwwwwwwww

Ahem. Yings continues. I think cc is too refined and too good to mix with her juniors already. I don't even know why she's here? She just wants to do her job as media coordinator but she ends up at this place and has to mix with all of us. I pity her so much omg. I wish she were far far away from us. Like really really far. It would do her good, but we would be so sad. Oh well!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

been thinking and drinking all over the town
must be gearing up for some kind of melt-down

i wanted to type 'school is complicated' but then i realized it isnt. 3grace is, to me, a fun-loving & simple class, especially the seating partners, hurray. i was sleepy during physics & math and thus i am still rather confused about bearings, but nvm.

dental was awesome with cordelia the wonderful slut, hurray. we both have red braces against our white teeth cause we are patriotic kids. then we walked around town trying to find a green top for cordelia & a nice bag for me, but we ended up sitting at mos burger cause we both got tired / bored. okay then we left at 530 cause i had to meet hannahteo at kovan.

so then i arrived at kovan at 6+ and then when i could finally see the ground (cause the escalator was er, underground okay whatever) i saw dora & hannah! haha so the three of us sat there till 7+, dora tutoring hannah math & i was basically very bored. then dora's mum came & sent us home. it was nice talking to them : )

slut hello i love dental, i really do. thank you for being such a great slut, the best i could ever ask for. talking to you is really relaxing & i tell you - i really can read your mind omg! hahaha okay see you in schl tmrw, and i cant wait for our next dental, i love you!

wifey pls dont make me worried, i'm sure you guys can work sth out yes. don't stress yourself out & i hate to see you upset. cheer up my dear. love you -hugs.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

and you show it like it means something
you could never know the pain it brings

i feel super superrrrrrr emo now, ask xueting / louisa. UGH i dont even know what to blog, nevermind.

there's school tmrw, yay. jiaxuan's coming to school tmrw :) haha i've missed her nonsense & her senseless jokes.

suddenly i feel like blogging about the past week again. thank you louisa & lingjing, friday was nice & warm & reflective. then thank you cordelia han xinxuan, the best slut, for cheering me up and talking to me when i was super super annoyed & irritated blablabla. haha in the end it was all okay. thank you luiza lee :) haha im damn proud of you! i love balcony talks, no more sitting together next week ): haha i love you very very much.

okay im in a better mood now, plus my itunes is playing a nice song :) BYEBYE. i cant wait for school!

Friday, July 14, 2006

you wore my favorite sweater
being poor was never better

on the whole today was good :) the first msg of the day "i hope you get to class in one piece without my protection." guess who sent it! haha then er lets see, recess was spent with jacq/shaorou & partly with louisa. english was relatively boring, but nevermind. er then lou & i cabbed to KK hospital aft school to find marietta goh wan ling the dearest junior who is still sick, unfortunately. then we cabbed to meet andrew at this bus stop so i could return him his charger, then we cabbed again to lingjing's lovely home. hahaha then TRT (or 3RT, which sounds cooler) was good. mmhmm the two of them really made my day. then hannah & dora decided that we were going to be late for chewmin's concert cause the two of them were still having dinner at millenia walk at 7:15! haha so we went back to lingj's house & continued talking till uhm, i forgot what time. then lou's dad came to she had to go, then i bus-ed to far east plaza, train-ed to city hall & walked to vch where i met hannah & dora :) oh saw lots of primary school people & kaile, eunice and xueting! haha mmhmm, then now im home, online & blogging :)

the bodyguard was once again, rocking "please wind up all windows in case anyone tries to shoot you." hahaha!
jiaxuan the seating part wasnt here due to gym competitions, so luiza the wifey sat with me :) then mdm lee didn't come for like 1 hour of math & thus we retreated to the balcony and talked and talked nonstop. haha it felt very good :) thanks luiza lee shi en, i love you. and talking to her was the main highlight of the day & im really lazy to blog more :)

i love my wifey

the nurse who is always there

Monday, July 10, 2006

to see the signs that we missed
and try to turn the tables

my bodyguard is the best -"i regret to inform you that mrs bodyguard has some business in school and will park there, entering from Father Barre. travel safe, don't do anything stupid :)" haha she makes me laugh early in the morning :)

school was okay as usual. its getting better actually.

that's what i go to school for

Friday, July 07, 2006

i am a hostage to my own humanity
self detained and forced to live in this mess ive made

dearest bodyguard audrey lai: haha i love you very much too! thank you for always msging early in the morning saying stuff like "i'm here alr :)" or "sorry i go class first okay!" you're practically the first person i talk to every morning! haha & you always make me laugh with your.. stupidity, haha no kidding. you're the best bodyguard ever & i promise to always wait for you when my driver is early yes :) love!

yesterday & today rocked :) i had fun.


okay im back basically because i'm supposed to blog about my rocking day!

# I MISS MY BABY ): I LOVE CEECEE / three rocks is love says:
abit you just blogged ONE LINE

& I LOVE LOU, YES I DO! says:

OKAY so im back to blog more. haha btw the two idiots are lou & cc. k so today school ended very early then lou & i went to find cc who subsequently came to my class & so did cherie. uhm then we stayed in the classroom till 2 or sth then went to the canteen & cherie went home. oh it was very fun feeding louisa noodles! haha & cc said "you are such a lousy feeder. you can be a bus." HAHA goodness. anyway then lou's brother called & asked her to go home, pick up his blazer, then go down to RJ to return it for him. so we embarked on our very long cab ride journey, haha which i didnt enjoy in the end cause i got giddy. anyway we ended up at j8, went to food junction & shared uhm, oh beef noodles & ice kachang. haha the ice kachang tasted weird :/ we did alot of retarded things there HAHAHA but i was really very bored & i am very strong because i can push a table down : D uhh then we got bored and went to mos burger HAHA cause we wanted to sit down. grape soda + apple soda + coke does NOT taste good. anyway it was funny & uhh aiya it was fun : D hahaha i think both cc & louisa are damn retarded goodness. but they are very good company, especially when you are very bored and have absolutely nothing to do. uhm we left around.. i dont know what time. anyway 53-ed home with lou :) HAHA then we conferenced again before i even reached home! then we conferenced after i reach home & we're conferencing on msn now, HAHA this is really funny goodness.

btw lou says: ceecee's a pig, but we love her all the same.
HAHAHA see today rocked. so did yesterday :)


Thursday, July 06, 2006

hello i love 3grace, seriously.

thank you ziqian, shaorou, jiaxuan, jiehui, serene, may, xunmin, luiza & everyone else! : ) thank you jacq, onyu & cordelia too. THANK YOU FRIENDS! i love all of you, yay!

haha waking up at 3am to watch soccer is fun! hannah teo forgot to wake up yesterday ): TEEHEEHEE i am a happy girl now! : D theres school tmrw, yay! I CANT WAIT TO SEE MY CLASSMATES YAY

Monday, July 03, 2006

so hold up we need another one
what we got is all good

thank you sara & bridget for making my day! haha went to bridget's house early in the morning after i was awaken by her stupid phone call at 11am ): went online, talked nonsense, did math HAHA, ordered pizza. then we walked out to fetch sara and the clever girl missed her stop. see this was what happened.

(i didnt exactly catch the conversation, but I THINK it went like this)
bridget: sara, please get off when you see LORONG CHUAN on the bus stop.
(sara misses the stop & gets off at PAYA LEBAR)
bridget: i thought i told you to get off at LORONG CHUAN?!
sara: but the bus stop said LOR CHUAN!!!

haha see how smart she is. anyway we went back to bridget's house, had pizza & watched i not stupid : D heehee & we talked about stuff, as usual la : ) love them.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

i never thought that
i'd be living on your floor

k i'm supposed to post a tribute to jacq cause it was her birthday on friday. haha okay here goes >

jacqueline melissa hongadi is the most wonderful nurse in the world. i knew her in sec1, but i never really talked to her till this year. anyway she's really really nice & she was always there for me when i needed someone to talk to. and she'd write me long long letters to cheer me up & all. there was a period of time i was really upset & jacq was there : ) all the time, without fail. haha she gave me this super cutesy card & squeezed in a long letter & made her handwriting super super small. jacq is a super true friend : ) really really. she can always find the right words to say to you & encourage you & all that. okay jacq's really great & she's fun to be with. we can laugh & play together and we can cry together too : ) I LOVE YOU JACQ!

anyway, im still scared of coming online, i just dont know why.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

and my resistance was once much stronger
and i know i can't go on like this much longer

today was.. open house. met lou at macs at uhm, 7. bought breakfast for lingjing & cindy cause the two busy people were in school very early. anyway we didnt do much :/ got super sick of singing the same songs over & over again but oh well. cabbed to tuition, dropped lou off at her house, yeaah. tuition was great, i was late by 40 minutes & really, no one was in the mood to do anything! haha we just sat around & talked, even the teacher! haha damn funny. & it was nice talking to jeryl! : D no one did any questions pls, we all just copied 2 miserable answers from the board! haha damn funny. then we all just went back to talking about.. stuff, hahaha! really, tuition always makes saturdays better.

yesterday was fun
jiaxuan gave me a whole roll of stickers! yay :)
talked to ziqian about some stuff
shaorou was being noisy as usual :)
it was jacq's birthday
gonghua & i invented some rubbish song but we've forgotten the lyrics
6/7 groups didnt submit their PW hahaha
lou lingjing cindy & rachel ho are fun to hang out with
bus ride home was fun

okay byebye.