Monday, May 08, 2006

i don't know your thoughts these days
we're strangers in an empty space

school was pretty good actually. i think i'm really beginning to like school, thank you 3grace. napfa today! finally everything's over. five items was pretty okay, except standing broad jump :/ i'm exceptionally proud of my sit ups! haha okay, it's quite little actually. but compared to my normal during pe, it's certainly alot. thank you shaorou & gonghua tons for the encouragement! mm bus-ed home with chords & rourou. haha i love those two.

jacq: thank you loads for talking to me yes! i really dont know what i'd be like without you. i probably would have lost my sanity. mm you might not realize how much you've done for me, but let me tell you that it can't be measured by anything. i'm glad we've found each other, in a rather strange way, haha but still! i love you very much my dearest nursey <3


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