Saturday, May 27, 2006

though it's the hardest thing to say
i'll miss your love in every way

choir this morning was okay i suppose. thanks ong for the lift both ways :) had a massive headache upon reaching home, ugh. tuition was good, it always is! gloria & jeryl are just wonderful friends.

gloria: eh you all know there's gonna be this new person on hi-5! taking kathleen's place!
yingqi: really! goodness, who.
jeryl: some sun person i think.
yingqi: but i liked kathleen! she's funny.
gloria: yeah, i like kathleen too!
jeryl: nevermind, jub jub won't like sun.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

i'm closer to where i started
chasing after you

okay this is important - to anyone who i have offended : i did not, repeat, DID NOT know that the font was the same as the eldds' poster's one! SERIOUS. i apologize sincerely, and am very very VERY sorry if i have offended anyone. I AM SORRY, really truely am.

anyway today's the last day of school, yay! im going to miss 3g

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

a dreamer dreams she never dies
wipe that tear away now from your eye

okay i haven't been online since what, thursday :/ anyway yep

> rushed home after school
> chinese tuition
> quick dinner, rushed to meet dora & chew min
> made water bombs & hannah's rocking present at chewmin's place
> mom came to pick us at 11+

> woke up at 6AM
> headed to dora's house & i was damn afraid her mom was gonna kill me
> wet her room by making (and failing to tie) the water bombs
> left at 745
> rushed to dhoby ghuat to meet luiza
> went to ACJC for crossroads!
> got into groups
> huiteng, javine, joan, joanne, luiza, shaun, xiaomei & yingqi :)
> had tons of fun, seriously.
> crossroads ended at 530+
> trained to bishan, reached home at 630
> picked dora & chewmin
> met hannah at dhoby ghuat
> chocolate buffet at fullerton
> dora & chewmin left early to do the surprise
> walked around shenton way, took the bus to little india :/
> reached kovan around 1130+
> walked to the playground, candles & all were set up!
> slept at 1+ 2+

> woke up at 6AM
> met shaorou at kallang mrt at 630
> big walk, 10km till 11+
> reached home at 12+
> slept till 530
> dinner, then met serene at serangoon
> HCJC concert at cityhall
> trained home
> slept at 12 :)

my wonderfully spent weekend. i don't regret a single bit of it, especially crossroads!


Thursday, May 18, 2006

never have to look you in the eye
it's easier to lie, easier to lie

i love oth! haha and they're bringing back season 4! yay.

anyway im sick now ): and thus i'm not in school. school this week's been.. up & down. monday night & tuesday morning was shit. but it's all okay now, and i dont think i've been happier. my dad's in new york now, and although we hardly talk when he's around in singapore, i think i miss him. guest performed for anderson concert last night, was okay i suppose. tjak was alright i think. mm was supposed to go out for supper with clique, but ong & grace left cause it was pretty late already. anyhow, cinch serene racho & i headed to raffles city but everything was closing omg. then we went to burger king & ate some :) uhm we left around 1030+ then serene & i trained home while cindy & racho waited for cindy's brother to come pick them from there. haha i enjoyed the train ride home with serene! talked about alot of things, and it was fun & nice & all. i've really really missed our backyard talks.

anyway! ss test tmrw, and the weird pw draft 2 due and my group hasnt started HAHAHAHA

Monday, May 15, 2006

you know that they could make us cold
i'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold

we got our emath, amath, social studies & JLC papers back today. my amath & JLC were disappointing. oh well i don't really care. only 2 more weeks of school, but then again, i dont think i'm having much of a holiday. choir practices, czech, job attachment, jubilate, SLC :/ haha nevermind. at least it'll be eventful & fun & all. anyway, met hannah after school. sat at yoshinoya for over an hour. i didn't feel like walking at all, seriously. fell asleep when i reached home. mmhmm, i really want school to end.

Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend Im ok
But thats not what gets me
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin to do
Its hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But Im doin it
Its hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and Im alone

i want to think its not her & im trying to force myself to believe it. but sometimes, its hard. and i've given up trying. because i dont really care anymore.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

i just got lost and slept right through the dawn
and the world spins madly on

i miss hannah ): and the song reminds me of her. haha its a nice song and i'm listening to it alot now :) anyway she'll be back tmrw, yay!

school was fun :D i actually enjoyed it, like really. lessons were boring nevertheless, especially the before-recess part, with chemistry, physics then math. but recess was fun! may & xunmin got jiehui a birthday cake & i spoilt the surprise :/ haha nevermind, it was all fun in the end. brought the half eaten kueh-cake back to class and we ate more after school. then town-ed with cordelia :) again. mm went to heeren to get the totes but they were out of stock ): then my maid asked me to buy salt and so we had to go to taka to get it cause there wasn't any at 7-11 :/ anyway i got this nice pair of shorts from whs (?) i think. the nice shop at.. taka basement or smth. anyway the shorts are nice! haha dirty green, yay. rushed home for tuition and then i got pretty annoyed with my maid. oh well. tuition's finally over, i'm so pleased.

there're no lessons tmrw! yay, civic district here we come! hahaha i am happy :)

Monday, May 08, 2006

i don't know your thoughts these days
we're strangers in an empty space

school was pretty good actually. i think i'm really beginning to like school, thank you 3grace. napfa today! finally everything's over. five items was pretty okay, except standing broad jump :/ i'm exceptionally proud of my sit ups! haha okay, it's quite little actually. but compared to my normal during pe, it's certainly alot. thank you shaorou & gonghua tons for the encouragement! mm bus-ed home with chords & rourou. haha i love those two.

jacq: thank you loads for talking to me yes! i really dont know what i'd be like without you. i probably would have lost my sanity. mm you might not realize how much you've done for me, but let me tell you that it can't be measured by anything. i'm glad we've found each other, in a rather strange way, haha but still! i love you very much my dearest nursey <3

Friday, May 05, 2006

i'm so tired, school's exhausting ):

uhm, actually i can't really remember what happened. chinese test sucked. i am very sure i'm going to fail, nevermind. it's over now. towned with lingjing & louisa in the afternoon. cabbed down to heeren cause we wanted to eat at marche. BUT IT WAS CLOSED ): so went to sakae and had the teatime buffet thing, which was cheap :) omg we ate so freaking much. lingjing the ass ate too fast and got a stomachache ): and she subsequently stopped eating, and tried to force me to finish her tako balls for her, haha. anyway i ate five plates of salmon sushi & they paid me five bucks for that : D took rubbish photos, lingjing's supposed to send them to me, but she hasnt ): AND! the mochi was super SUPER disgusting, oh gosh ): so i mashed up all the paste inside it into the miso soup which was basically hot water ): and lingjing & i paid louisa to finish eating the pandan mochi cause it was REALLY disgusting ): ack

no tests yesterday :) school was, tiring? i dont know. stayed back for remedial with jiaxuan, debbie & ziqian. thennnn oh, choir and we had to eat pipagao. choir was... aiya, tiring. i still look forward to czech though :)

okay, the day started off with me panicking cause pizza hut & canadian pizza were both closed at 9AM. then during lit, i decided to call canadian pizza again and thank goodness, they were open! and then mrs c went 'where is she?' (referring to me cause i was sitting under my desk) ugh anyway managed to get the pizza. a math test was relatively simple, so jiaxuan & i left early to collect the pizza for recess. haha then we managed to persuade the prefects at the staircases to let us bring the pizza back to class cause mdm lee was still there invigilating caifen. mmhmm then 3grace had pizza for recess :) emath test after recess was even easier. omg it's such a happy day! then school finally ended at 1pm. jiaxuan & jiehui wanted to go to meridien to get their slippers, so shaorou & i went with them. ended up waiting (and walking) for 45 minutes for the cab! when we finally got one, we took quite long to head down to town thanks to the awful traffic. jiaxuan jiehui & shaorou shared yami yoghurt at the food court, and i had expensive kiwis for 1.50, weird i know. but we were all being healthy! haha then they didn't like the slippers at FOS, so we decided to walk down more. met mdm lee on the way to heeren, yes very surprising i know. got some OUB people to help us take pictures, and then mdm lee treated us to drinks at heeren at the wanton stall place. haha it was super funny to meet her in town! then we decided to take neoprints & it sucked. the staff were extremely unhelpful & unfriendly bla bla bla. it was so annoying. forget it. then we saw ---! haha it was, funny i suppose. anyway mdm lee left after that, and jiaxuan & jiehui went to flash & splash to get their MATCHING slippers, haha. okay by then shaorou had to go, so we all left :) and i didn't get anything from town! i spent very little, im so pleased :D