Thursday, October 26, 2006

I cant break away from these chains to my heart
The further you push me the closer you are

I don't want to blog about today, I don't know why. Only one good thing happened today :]

Jacqueline M Hongadi / Nursey > I am here to proclaim my great love for you, HAHAHA. Okay, congrats my dear. You really deserve the post :] & I know you'll do your job exceedingly well. You've no idea how proud I am of you. Haha I think I've said everything that I want to tell you in the letter already & I mean every single word of it okay :] I always knew you had it in you, whoa since January please! & really, you did everything on your own. Haha most of the time I was just talking rubbish when you asked me stuff :\ Anyway Nursey, thank you for everything you've given me & all that you've done for me. I don't think I would've made it through 2006 this well without you, I love you :]

Caifen > Hello my dear, I don't know how you're feeling right now. But you're making all of us very sad ]: I just want you to know that 3G will always be here for you yup! And you're part of the class, so you must take the class tee okay :] Take care my dear, be a happy kid & always remember that we love you.

Okay byebye now, I am happy that I am going to spent tomorrow at Lingjing's :]


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