Saturday, July 29, 2006

because you live there's a reason why
i carry on when i lose the fight

ohkay i forgot to mention that fridays are pabby&tabby days as well! haha

there you go pabby, i love you.

tuition today was good with felicia, i can honestly say i've learnt smth.

loutan was sick yesterday, so lingj & i went over to her place to visit her & pass her stuff. mmhmm mostly the two of us just talked while lou lay in bed & listened to all our rubbish. haha lingj & i were really really wet thanks to the rain & the fact that neither of us had an umbrella. but it was fun still :]

jiaxuan just called me.

jiaxuan : eh you better put songs into your thumbdrive for me. or else i dont print your shirts.
yingqi: huh what songs?
jiaxuan: i dont care. you better do something, or no shirts.
yingqi: but what songs do you want?
jiaxuan: you better do something.
yingqi: HUH?!
jiaxuan: you better do something, BYEBYE!

goodness me :/


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