Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Please slow down girl.
We're moving way too fast for their world.

#1 I caught Step Up with Jiaxuan today :]
#2 Choir was alright.
#3 Met Hannah Teo after choir today, yay I enjoy meeting her everyday heehee.
#4 I am going for Abby's Christmas musical :]
#5 Xueting is supposed to be online now but she pangsae-d (this is how Rachel Ong, the self-proclaimed spelling queen spells it) Ong & I ]:
#6 I am very full.
#7 I've no aircon for tonight, wednesday, thursday & friday because the aircons have officially been removed from this house ]: ALL THE AIRCONS, so I can't sleep in the living room even if I wanted to.
#8 I DONT WANT TO MOVE, ughhhhh. I'll be a million miles away from the Bestfriends, sucks.

Anw before I go, I'd just like to say that I LOVE MISS CORDELIA HAN XIN XUAN :]


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