Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another day, another worry breaks right through
And indecision bleeds me dry

Hello world :] Haha it looks like I haven't blogged for very long. Okay fine I haven't. But I did blog a while ago but my pictures all couldnt appear so I uhh saved the post as draft, oh well.

School's kinda over, but not exactly over yet :/ extra lessons have been pretty okay though, with Jiehui, Shaorou, Jiaxuan, Pabby & Germaine, though the last two pretty much sleep through everything heehee. Shaorou lost her precious Barney soft toy keychain & is therefore very upset at the moment. Ziqian & Cherry have been playing with tamagotchis, and Ziqian's new tamagotchi is named 'Ethel' after her previous one died due to abuse, haha! Lu baked cookies yesterday & today I wore her watch home. Jiaxuan enjoyed mashing up the peanut dumplings I bought from the taohuay shop this morning during breakfast. Karen forgot to bring my Buttercup sticker yet again ]: &&! Tomorrow, Xunmin, May, Ziqian, Shaorou, Jiaxuan, Lu & I are going to Jiehui's house to barbecue. Yay so fun :]

Saturday was spent at Louisa Tan's house, yes I was there the entire afternoon! Uhh Lingjing & I went over super early. Then we just sat around, ate digestives, drank milo & talked rubbish. Walked Lou to church at 3+, then we went back to her house & we really really did nothing. Cinch came, then the three of us walked to church where we met Diana, Charm & Becks :] Mm after the entire thing we went back to Lou's house & ate like pigs ]: Left early cause uhh I had to send my sister off to Perth. Haha she'll be back super soon, hurray.

Sunday was spent moving stuff & now my wardrobe is empty and I have no more clothes left here except school uniform and therefore tomorrow I'm going to wear PE attire to Jiehui's place. sh0 fAshIi0nAble sIax :] Met Hannah in the evening & we're meeting again tomorrow yay!

Yesterday was a fun day, I felt so haha secretive & all. Anyway in the end everything worked out & Lou was really surprised & happy & all that. Yay then I felt pretty accomplished when I reached home. Making the board with Serene Seow was such a funny process. We were rushing around looking for pink stuff to stick on the board, then we saw Lou & started panicking HAHA but in the end she saw the board beforehand, oh well. CC came just before tution was about to end, haha then she set up the cake & all that :] In the end it was all quite nice lah. And when Lou saw CC she went "Omg what are you doing here!" Heehee I love surprises (even though I nearly ruined it, but! Louisa my slow friend didn't hear what I said by accident!) Then Lou ate all the M&Ms on the cake which spelt 'LOU' & the twelve uh, flower things! Mm her mom came to pick us up after that & we headed to gardens and as usual, spent a long time deciding on what to eat, walking all over the place. 'Simply Peranakan' right huh! Haha anyway we ended up eating at SGCC, after CC said "Let's eat the lamppost, it looks quite good" goodness! Then I think we were both being annoying hahaha and Lou had to be extremely nice to both of us after we kept taking turns refusing to walk & being uhm, irritating. Dinner was alot, heehee & the two of them kept doing stupid things like they always do. But it was all entertaining nonetheless. Cabbed home after dinner :] & I managed to watch the last bit of ANTM! Haha yesterday was a good day :]

Lou > I'll give you your letter soon kay! Now I really cannot write on the crayon! Anyhow, I really hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday! Go and eat the cake hokay, haha I asked CC to buy the big one. Eat all by yourself. Ooh look, you just said this :

# I MISS MY BABY ): my love's spread amongst sent 11/7/2006 9:16 PM:
im eating last night's cake la
# I MISS MY BABY ): my love's spread amongst sent 11/7/2006 9:16 PM:
super chocolatey

Telepathic or what! Haha alright. Love you dear :]

Cordelia > Don't say I forgot you ahhh! Friday friday, dental yup! Then after that we'll uhh go somewhere? Haha up to you! You'll definitely have alot of fun with me around, don't worry. Anyway my letter damn touching right. You didnt say your usual "wAh mElT liAox"! Nvm, I'm sure you still "mElteDx" HAHA OKAY NONSENSE. Aye I hope you had a good birthday yesterday! Lurbx euu beli much!


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