Wednesday, June 28, 2006

under the bridge downtown
forgot about my love

k so jubilate was yesterday, & i dont really wanna comment on it. & choir rocked, that's all we need to know, really : ) macdonalds with rachel ong after that at kallang, then we took the wrong train & ended up at bugis, then her parents picked us up from there : ) talked alot & it felt good : ) haha anyway her dad's really nice! thank you ong's dad! reached home, called lou & talked for rather long, then i read till i fell asleep.

woke up at 11+ today, jiaxuan's mom sent me, xunmin & may to jiehui's house. && the session was extremely unproductive, harharhar. we went to the movie room & just started watching the weird chinese show that was on. then we watched when a stranger calls till the disc stopped halfway ): then we watched bring it on! : D then lunch, more bring it on, then we all went home. haha so much for doing pw! but anyway i had a good day : ) it felt really really good.

before i go, i wanna say some stuff to some people : )

cordelia hello slut who's always been there for me no matter what. i dont think you're a slut at all but still! yes we are true friends la please : ) i shall show you smth next time! haha i hope you're wearing the nice slut necklace alot! i love you plenty, really really.
louisa hey, late night talks are good. haha & i'm glad she's not angry! haha and if you tell anyone about --- I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. haha i'll ask her soon, but not now. anyway! thanks for talking to me just now. yeah im not guilty so im not gonna do anything. i love you angel -hugs.
xueting HELLO I LOVE YOU. theres nothing much to say really, just thanks for being there & being so supportive : ) you mean alot to me
lingjing SARA, i am thankful for you too : D really, you & xueting & serene are the only three people i can talk to about -. I LOVE YOU MY DEAR.

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me

Sunday, June 25, 2006

cause I don't blame you anymore
that's too much pain to store

k so i haven't blogged for rather long. school's starting tmrw. four weeks have gone by just like that, its very upsetting ): anyway if you ever have a study session with serene seow & louisa tan, it probably would end up as an eating session, haha. met lou at her club to study at 1+, then serene seow came. okay we did do some work, like i finished the JLC project :) but really, you end up eating loads! we ordered : chocolate ice cream waffle, ham & cheese toast, sweet & sour pork (haha!), fries, chicken wings & then we each had an ice cream cone! ugh oh well. school tmrw! i dont want to go back ):

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

pouring over photographs
i'm living in your letters

i am home! & czech was Awesome. i don't even know where to begin, but i had plenty of fun & i've gotten to know people better, & i am extremely thankful for certain people! anyway the plane ride there wasn't that good, cause i really wasnt used to not having a tv to watch for such a long flight. michelle tang, sara & deborah were good seating partners though :) the first lunch was super salty, okay, actually all of the food was super salty :/ ong, grace, louisa & i never finished any of our meals entirely. hahaha nevermind. we got gold for both childrens & sacred categories & came top of both too! ahahaha i was so damn bloody overjoyed : D : D : D : D: D i am still smiling retardly to myself now. i'm glad everyones hard work paid off! oh well i am still very happy now. & yeah, shit did happen but everyone got over it! heehee. the last two nights of the trip was the best. k the second last night we went over to xueting & kaile's room & ate cup noodles like no ones business, all the msg! hahaha. played bridge & daidee till like, 1am plus or smth, i cant remember. then ong & i went back to our rooms to sleep. it was fun : D but the last night was even better! kaile xueting abigail yiying rachel & i went over to alyssa & lingjing's room. haha played cards, told fortune & talked rubbish till 2+, and alyssa rachel & yiying slept there. then the 5 of us trooped silently to xueting & kaile's room to sleep! haha. we pushed both beds together and made a mess of the room but nevermind. then 5 of us squashed into the 2 miserable beds, it was such a laugh. kaile & i stayed up talking about primary school stuff, it was Hilarious. found out stuff too! hahahahaha i am still laughing when i think about the chartered bus! -looks at kaile. then when we got to the funny parts of our story everyone, even abigail, was asleep! so stupid. so we laughed to ourselves. anyway in the morning, everything became funnier. kaile & abigail went over to yiying's room. lingjing went back to hers. & i went back to mine to pack & all. then only xueting was left inside the room & we stupidly left the key inside! so all of us were locked out. and xueting totally couldnt hear us knocking, despite countless attempts, even when ong pounded the door shouting "fire! fire!" HAHAHA. so stupid. anyway we got the reception guy to open the door for us, stupid xueting! haha. mm then we shopped for 5 hours & ate duck. lou & i made a mess, tsk. the plane ride back was FUNNNNNNN! sat with lou & kaile! hahaha k it was really comical. cause lou & i slept instantly, then dinner came. then kaile woke me up & failed to wake lou. so i had my dinner in front of me, then i drifted back to sleep. according to kaile, some air stewardess came to ask her "is she gonna eat?" and pointed at me. then kaile went "yes, later, later." AHA! cause i woke up in the middle of the night & i was thinking "aiyo, whats this. why is it in front of me." haha then i woke lou up to help me get the person to clear it. it was quite funny cause the whole thing was UNEATEN! hahahahahahahaha okay. then after that louisa & kaile had to HIT me to get me to wake up to eat breakfast but i didnt eat anyway. then i had to press the bell like 20 times for my cup noodles, and in the end louisa put her hand over the button so i couldnt press it :/ STUPID. AND CORDELIA HAN WAS THE FIRST PERSON I CALLED WHEN I GOT BACK. i've missed her heaps.

then when i arrive home i find that my internet connection to my computer is gone (im using wireless) & my VCR is spoilt, & my dining room TV is spoilt!!! ): thanks to some dumb thunderstorm thing. oh well

anyway i'm really glad that this trip went well & everything, i know i enjoyed myself greatly, despite any bad stuff that happened or whatever. i'm now closer to many people, especially my dearest angel LOUISATANHANLIN. haha she lied to me that ong was her mortal! okay wait, actually cc did the lying. but still! oh well. she's the best angel in the world : D we had loads of fun & the talking was good. i never knew lingjing was so mature & all. haha i love my sara, she's really nice. yiying the snowdrop is cute! hahaha : D xueting is the ever so wonderful SL, and she's a great GREAT walking part. xueting lou & i make up the 5-notes vocal range trio. we can only sing five notes from C to G. hahaha we have vocal percussion too! k retarded, but fun. k theres nothing much to say alr. except that i'm really glad i went for this trip! & I LOVE MY ALTOS! alto gatherings & card games!

rachel ong hello roommate! haha i enjoyed rooming with you. thanks for the kettle yeah! and now we both know how to differentiate carbonated water from non carbonated water. perliva voda! haha i dont like it, we can make carbondated water normal again too! anyway it's been a great week with you! & i think the mirror message thing was very sweet :) LOVE YOU ONG!
louisa tan hello my ANGEL! you're the best. i dont even know what to say. haha k you are a better feeder than i am lah right. and.. see i have nth to say alr. you just rock :) cause you are THE BEST.
grace ong grace! haha i dknw if you'll ever see this lah. but i'm glad we talked that night! & i am still feeling guilty k :/ SORRY SORRY SORRY if you still remember what im talking about. oh well i had fun with you! all your nonsense stories & stuff haha and i know you love bread! : ) -hugs & loads of love.
lee lingjing SARAAAAA my darling. i think i've gotten to know you alot better during this trip yeah & marche soon k, for three rocks. haha you are really a good friend. i love you.
peh kaile KAILE! hahahahahahaha. chartered bus, "can i hold your hand", baby mosquitoes are mascots & weird primary school stories! haha i love you! that night was super funny my gosh! haha & the air plane ride back too! hahaha im still laughing now. lovee
mak xueting SL! you are the best SL ever! alto one is always the first to report attendance! haha i love you plenty.
alyssa hello person who insists on dressing like a bear! HAHA YOU ARE SO CUTE. love!
yiying SNOWDROP! hahaha you are funny, i have retarded shots of you! and your mp3 goes "woof" so funny :) haha love you!
abigail excuse me i do know chinese songs k! and wo nan guo is not from 100 years ago! haha its quite recent! haha anyway i had fun listening to your stories about uh.. selina & xiaozhu or smth?! haha k love!

chew min says:
hurrry blog !
thirtyone/ i <3>haha patience, my young padawan.
chew min says: but old master, i cannot contain my excitement!

thats chewmin, my old friend, for you.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

put your ear to the speaker
and choose love or sympathy

yesterday was good. met cordelia han, whom i've missed so much cause she went to harbin, at city hall. had xiaolongbaos & lamian : D at suntec, walked to candy empire, got sweets, then to carrefour where i bought alot of crap. spent 80+ & i still owe cordelia money ): AND i still haven't gotten all my trip stuff! anyway it was great catching up with cordelia & listening to all her stories about harbin. oh well i'm just glad she's back safely :)

anyway i'm going out with hannah later :) haha to get the ipod charger from andrew so i can have some music there, and then to wheelock to see her shoes :/ then i need to come home to finish packing, ugh.

czech tonight :) or :/ !!!!!!!! ahhh.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

love's not always black and white
haven't i always loved you?

the holidays have been good, so far :) the first week's been really really great, thanks to brilliant friends <3>today, thursday.
woke up at 11+, intended to wake up much earlier. met hannah at kovan, trained down to compasspoint. studied at cafe galilee but it was not fruitful at all. i couldn't do chemistry, didn't want to read tiaopiderizi & ended up just reading some book titled 'second star to the right.' haha it was fun though. introduced hannah teo to pipagao, walked around abit more then went over to alrik's place. aunt came to pick us at 4+, went to j8 & caught over the hedge! it's a cute show, i like hammy (sp?) he's very cute. haha dinner at pastamania & then ice cream at haagen daz. i am super full now, and very very fat ): it's been a good day :)

yesterday was good, fun, fruitful & really really nice. met cindy at gardens at 1+, sat at macs & did some part of the egeog paper. louisa tan came shortly after & we went over to her club, which is quite nice i must say. serene seow joined us there & we had lunch. haha anyway lou ordered this ice kacang thing which had durian ice cream on top, and it was fun feeding cindy & serene! except i didn't know all the waiters/waitresses were staring at us cause we were like, the last customers there. nevermind. went up to the study room to do work, and i did alot! finished english, social studies & egeog mid year reviews. felt extremely accomplished. left at around 6 and cindy went to meet her dad at chomp chomp or smth. serene insisted lou & i go see her church, so we walked there then i took the bus home : D

lou eating hokkien char / / / / / serene seow

soundless hand dryer / / / / / / yingqi cindy lou serene <3

had chinese oral in school in the morning. i was very worried cause i didn't really know the time. anyway it went fine, and the teacher said i had some 'qifu' thing! but i missed out alot of words :/ haha mm lunched with lou, cindy & charmaine at macs outside school, then came back for choir. choir was.. not very good :/ uhm, went straight home after choir & lou met with a disgusting encounter on the bus that i really would not like to elaborate on. anyhow, i hope she is not as traumatized now :)

THE BEST DAY OF THIS WEEK SO FAR! monday was rocking good. okay lets see. i met lin ziqian at the stadium bus stop (not some ulu bus stop, qian) at 8+ while the rest were already at shaorou's place, haha. uhm bus-ed to paya lebar mrt, then trained to aljunied. sr's house is really near the mrt : D bought stuff at cheers before going, cause i totally couldn't find any nuggets at home. got chips & drinks instead. went up to the aerobics room to find them. it is a very nice room :) the air con is very cold, and the mats were nice and everything, there are plenty of lovely mirrors too. went down to swim after a while, but only jiehui & shaorou brought their swim suits, so the rest of us swam in sports bras & fbts, except ziqian. it was quite disgusting actually but oh well. splashed around abit, then went back up to the aerobics room and i was freezing cold cause my pe shirt was wet too. then i had to put on my pinafore cause it was time to go to school for choir ): choir was okay actually :) we sounded pretty okay and all. went to meet them again after choir ended, they were at breeks but i was too poor to afford anything. jiaxuan & luiza had already left much earlier cause jiaxuan had to go back for gym )): then jiehui & xunmin left cause they needed to go home for dinner. so qian, rou & i went to subway for dinner. haha actually i was supposed to be the only one eating but lin ziqian could not resist the temptation of food and decided to eat as well! then rou went to meet her mum and i was left all alone with qian ): haha kidding. went to bodyshop cause i had to renew the membership thing mm. then we went home already, reached home at 8+ which is really early : D
monday was really good, i had plenty of fun. thank you jiaxuan, jiehui, luiza, shaorou, xunmin & ziqian <33

matching shades / / / / / / / / / all of us

in the pool / / / / / / / / / / / / / / lovely friends

HAHAHA / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / jiaxuan & ziqian

<3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /top :ziqian, yingqi, luiza, xunmin
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / bottom: shaorou, jiehui & jiaxuan

da vinci code with the parents tmrw night!