Thursday, November 23, 2006

An empty room can be so deafening
The silence makes you wanna scream

I miss my old house ]: I miss meeting Hannah whenever I felt like it, I miss walking to Kovan whenever I had to go out, I miss dropping at the same bus stop as Serene Seow & Louisa Tan after choir practices, I miss walking home with Kangning, I miss everything I used to do / could do at the old place ]: Now i feel 120491850293741938417293123 miles away from Hannah whenever I call her RAH. Anyway on a brighter note, prata with Dora on Friday then she's coming over for awhile :] Hurray. I've missed her.

& I miss school too ]: No more complaining about lessons & counting down the minutes to recess, no more obsessing over our BMIs during recess & counting calories like crazy, no more Jiaxuan scolding teachers "You better not try ah! Or tomorrow you watch out" HAHA, no more tamagotchi stuff with Cherry & Ziqian, no more endless walking to the toilet with Luiza ]: & no more brata recesses / prata house trips ]:

Anyway the past few days have been busy. Choir on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Haha slept over at Miss Lee Lingjing's on Tuesday night & I must say it's very hard to wake her up. After she listened to my noisy alarm she just went back to sleep. Then after i shone light right into her face she continued sleeping. Wow! Anyway she woke up eventually & we weren't late haha. I think we talked alot, we were supposed to uhm, go watch tv & all that & not sleep but we ended up just talking & sleeping in the armchair wasn't very comfortable after all, I woke up at 2:13am and decided to pull out the bottom bed to sleep haha. Oh and Lingjing thought I rolled off the armchair when she woke up and saw that I was no longer sitting on it HAHA so clever. So last evening I reached home at around 7:30PM, headed straight to my room & haha I woke up this morning at 9AM. Cool or what?

Byebye I am going to watch Happy Feet : D


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