Sunday, October 01, 2006

Stay awake with the sound of my voice
I'm restless from the silence in the air

Screw Physics, I swear I'm going to fail. I give up, ugh. The weekend's been pretty good :] Met & caught up with people :]

Went over to Chewmin's at around 9 yesterday & Hannah was already there, haha I thought she'd be late. Anyway then they baked Dora a cake! And added alot of weird ingredients :\ Mm then we walked over to Dora's & that pig was still sleeping! Haha her mum let us in & we successfully sneaked into her room without waking her up while closing the door & all that. Then Hannah the idiot started fiddling with Dora's new Zen Vision & the clicking noises woke her up! So we sang her her birthday song & Hannah the act pro tried playing it on the guitar but everything was clashing, HAHA. Then we slacked around in her room doing nothing & I fell asleep on the bed. Left at around 12+ & I was supposed to meet Jiaxuan at school Macs at 12! Haha sorry Jiaxuan! Mdm Lee came around 1330, then we just did Physics like nobody's business but until now I still don't get it ]: Then Jiehui came & Jiaxuan left for tuition & I reached home at around 5+ or sth then I fell asleep again, ugh. Oh I felt very productive at night haha I did mole concept! :] And then I went offline at 4AM, hip hip hurray.

Today tuition was supposed to be at 1030 & I woke up at 10, and had to run to tuition haha it was quite funny actually but now I have blisters ]: Tuition was pretty good, at least I kind of understand the stupid mercury barometer. Then Lou's mum drove us to SGCC, had lunch & proceeded to the study room to study & I think we did quite okay :] But as usual, we talked alot & did alot of nonsense but nevermind!

Okay I should go back to studying Physics, I'm really really really going to fail. Rahhhhh


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