Saturday, August 19, 2006

our hopes and plans are unfulfilled.
it's overwhelming.

heehee ive just finished listening to The Emo Song. today was uneventful, except for math tuition which was fabulous as usual. telling felicia & jeryl all about --- was good, they really know what to say - "huh?! that's all you did?!" heehee :] then sneaking down during the 5minutes break to get food and then smuggling it back into the centre :] i'm really going to miss them.

yesterday was good :] cherry & ziqian rock, heehee. OH! and i did all the math questions mdm lee told us to do hurray. qian left during recess & i think she did well for her piano exam! hurray. see yesterday was good. mm then the period before assembly was the usual "girls, wake up" "look at the slides" "girls stop eating" "girls i feel like im talking to your national day board at the back" hahaha cherry & i listened okay :] okay now on to the highlight of the day.

during recess >
lou : eh yings! cc wants to watch lakehouse!
me : (unconcerned) huh okay lor. with who?
lou : US!

HAHAHA. anyway we didn't catch lakehouse in the end, which was good. we had dinner at mos, at the exact same table. we took extremely long to eat & lingjing and amanda visited after their dental. louisa removed onions for her own burger & mine using er, two straws. anyway! the two of them made me feel very very bad BUT i dont feel bad anymore hip hip hurray. hokay we made alot of noise there & people kept tapping the glass goodness me. and the guy behind was being annoying cos he kept moving & the stupid chair kept shifting! then we got bored & lou and i wanted dessert, so we decided to move off.

ended up at coffee bean & we just talked and talked and talked. learnt alot of stuff :] aiya i dont know how to say lah. it was just nice, we should have more talks yay. i think coffee bean is a conducive place to talk, mos isnt very good cos its full of little kids. k then we all left at 9:30-ish.

i think i want to spend more time with the emo club. okay, scratch the 'i think' i really want to spent more time with the emo club. aye holidays okay! haha the two of them really rock, i can tell them anything :]


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