Wednesday, August 09, 2006

i don't know why you're so far away
but i know that this much is true

today was good :] okay fine so i slept at 4AM last night (or rather, this morning) then i had to wake up at 730AM to go to kebun baru cc for the er, national day thing. anyway, it didnt go very well so yeah. mm then lou's parents sent me home (thanks alot :]) met lou at heartland mall at 1 to get stuff & all, haha now when i think about what we bought its quite funny. then we went to citilink to meet wanting who passed lou her camera memory card. mmm then down to kallang to meet jing! THEN WE WENT TO THE NATIONAL STADIUM : D

it was so damn fun omg! haha i wna go again with the two of them! we were like exploring the funpacks, and taking out everything! haha then the stupid tattoos were damn hard to put on but we succeeded in the end! oh we were super super enthusiastic in singing & waving the flags & clapping the clapsticks! the atmosphere was super good! & i think we influenced the guy next to us to be super enthusiastic as well haha! oh then i was trying really really hard to look for xunmin & may when the UGs came out! mmhmm singing the songs were really the best part of the entire thing & the fireworks were nice :] I LOVE LOU & JING, i am so glad tmrw is gna be spent with them again. yay

okay i am very annoyed now RAH


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