Tuesday, August 22, 2006

the hint of these new tears are sharp
i try to choke them back

school this week has been really, really great. the classmates really rock & FC never fails to make my day. yesterday's intensive tuition was good :] i felt very intellectual last night, heehee. surprisingly, after almost 4&1/2 hours of tuition i wasnt exhausted. on the contrary, i managed to finish 3 jianbaos, come online & talked to people :] yup

didn't fall asleep in any lessons in class today :] chem SPA was alright, i suppose. recess was spent in class with shaorou & everything was rather slack. oh we had some magic show thing for physics haha it was entertaining & rather interesting. haheho then we took super long to get back to class cos we went around mirrors taking pictures, HAHA. school's been good, i really don't feel like going for the camp, ugh.

so saturday will be my last day at mathtuition, after 4 years with jeryl, felicia & gloria. ugh im really going to miss all the talking & bitching (haha), telling them all about my week in school & listening to theirs, laughing at stupid relief teachers, laughing at stupid random things, sneaking food or soyabean+pearls up to class, having stupid conversations with the receptionist about erasers & correction tape & everything else. i can't believe i actually let my parents pressurize me into quitting this tuition, damnit. shit i'm really going to miss them so much.

so charmaine's leaving tmrw, and she wont be back till what, february? ugh i'm going to miss the cousin like dont know what. no more sunday afternoons, bitching about people, taking stupid videos / pictures, demanding of OC episodes RAH. ohwell, i'll be at the airport at 0615 :]

i hate change.

charmaine hello everything's written in the letter, i guess. but yep, i could really never thank you enough for everything you've done. i'll miss you -hugs.
buddy hello thank you for the nametag heehee you'll get sth in term 4 hurray. anyway dont miss me while i am at camp, i know you want to msg me every night! haha alright YDS la :]
slut please cheer up okay. it's not all pointless & meaningless :] it'll get better, i promise. and i'll always be here! i love you dear.
emo club hello you two i really really am very sorry about friday okay. ugh another day please! you two pick whatever day you like & i promise i will cancel whatever i have, however important it is!
FC browncow & chickenlittle, i'm going to miss you two. please dont let anna sit in my seat okay! very freaky. haha help yourselves to all the kekebinbin lah, thats what FC is for!
hannah hello bestfriend. take care of yourself while i'm not around for 3 days okay hahaha. please study hard & pass your stupid retest or else. and stop watching so much grey's anatomy! alright thank you for talking last night, love you :]
brandon hello you :] thank you for talking to me yes mmhmm. i'll see you first sept :] haha arent you excited! hokay see you then :]
janice hello miss philosophical. rah thank you for making me feel positive about camp! please dont be moody tmrw. message if anything yup -hugs.

I thought of you and where you'd gone
And the world spins madly on.


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