Monday, August 14, 2006

Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes we can!

Scoop, Muck and Dizzy,
And Roley too.
Lofty and Wendy
Join the crew.

Bob and the gang
Have so much fun.
Working together
They get the job done.

Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes we can! (I think so!)

Pilchard and Bird,
Travis and Spud.
Playing together
Like good friends should.

Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes we can! (Yes!)

this is playing on the iTunes now, from The Happy Mix :] haha thank you cc yay!

hokay today wasnt too bad lah. i didnt exactly feel very sleepy during lessons. i had hello panda & er, some stuff luiza gave to me yay. i shall go offline before 12 tonight. recess was spent with the lovely emo club :]

two of my favourite people who never fail to make me smile :]

daisy a low ching chong : HELLO CC :] haha yes, THE solitaire buddy / chicks rule! (im still laughing cause the chick is next to my mouse) / meangirls bringiton orangecounty friend etc! i hope you like your present yes haha. go play go play! yup its all trivia stuff. i can go and play with you after your o's yay. so fun! oh & the burn book was hilarious haha. walau you really quoted alot from the shows! mmhmm & i really really appreciate the happymix. i promise to listen to it whenever i feel emo then i definitely wont feel emo anymore :] rah we will continue to showdown / conference / go to J8 & be emo okay! i'm going to miss you rah. LOVE YOU DAISY :] (oh you better wear the nametag occassionally HAHA)

BOTBOTB buddy : hello appreciate your 10page letter please! im glad it made your day less awful. haha stop laughing about me laughing in the dark alr lah but you really amused me! anyway you're offline now and annoying stuff is happening UGH. okay i shall tell you about it next time. yes lah yes lah you rock too :] haha answer all my questions okay though i still dont think i asked that much! okay okay byebye see you tmrw. see la tonight i cannot CE ]:

alright! im off to finish the argumentative essay & er, finish studying for physics.



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