Thursday, August 17, 2006

and our trails go unmarked and unmapped and covered
just as soon as they are crossed.

i slept at 8PM last night, heehee. after dinner i went straight to my room & then i just fell asleep there. oh well, it felt good to sleep for so long :]

today was great! mm lit was rather okay actually, the Food Club was being entertaining! haha we have like no food yet but tmrw! there'll be :] hokay, chinese was er the standard. math was fun! cos the three of us totally didn't understand anything and we spent like half an hour stoning then i decided to ask jiaxuan to teach me. recess was good, talking in class :] then short three rocks talk along the corridor. thank you lingjing & lou! mm english was entertaining, math was unproductive cos there was only like, 5 minutes of lesson for me. hahaha okay nevermind. oh geography was amusing! only 2 people passed the graded assignment, goodness me it was an open book. then cherry & i got very bored and we decided to read our joy luck club. mm then talking to shaorou, jiaxuan, jiehui & gonghua was hilarious! haha they are such wonderful friends.
"aiya your birthday ah. budget about one thousand billion can already la right." - jiaxuan.
"we cruise to london! then we can go africa also. antartica ah, too cheap already lah. i ask my dad to send 10 private jets over can already lah! and order 100 maids!" - jiehui.
"we book the whole singapore okay! then ask everyone to evacuate to malaysia." - shaorou.
& gonghua just sat there eating waffle crisps. heehee i love them.
camp briefing was so much fun with xunmin, luiza, liumin, germaine & audrey! haha im laughing now thinking about it. xunmin really cracks me up omg, yay we have funny quotes to laugh about in class now! then during the er, ice breaker thing, xunmin & i mostly sat on the floor & laughed, attempting to hide ourselves so that the facils couldnt see us. HAHAHA it was supremely funny. ohman why cant we group according to classes! the five of them are seriously entertaining :]

choir after that, bus-ed home with serene seow & cindy chia. haha then serene & i spent 40 minutes at the bus stop / stadium car park talking :] it was nice. thank you backyard talker!

yay today was great! i love the classmates, hip hip hurray


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