Sunday, August 06, 2006

and i cant fight this feeling anymore
ive forgotten what ive started fighting for

these two days have been pretty good, yet tiring & emotionally draining at the same time. but i'm thankful for all the people who've been there for me always :]

met lou & her parents at heartland mall at around 11, then her parents drove us to xueting's house and then all of us subsequently got covered in black paint eew. oh then my mom refused to let me skip tuition ugh, so at 5:30 i cabbed down to serangoon central & had 10 minutes of tuition, hahaha. tuition was rubbish la hahaha but seeing gloria & felicia was nice. mm then went over to charmaine's at night for her going away party but i ended up falling asleep in the room, even though the people downstairs were making alot of noise. mmhmm left at around 11 kinda thing. oh then i came online :] and then i stayed online till 3AM, then watched tv till 4 & fell asleep.

yesterday was super super emotionally draining but i dont know, overall yesterday was really good? oh then i started thinking about stuff again which made me upset & stressed, haha i think i suck okay.

today was fun :] went out with the aunt & the most wonderful cousins ever - charmaine & ryan haheho :] had lunch at dintaifung, then walked to funan (it was very hot!), looked at computers and all, then on to paragon where the burberry staff were really really horrible (SHUI GUO! -looks at ryan HAHA), mm then jasons, then we came back to ntuc cause jasons didnt have what i wanted heeheehaha. i have funny cousins. see below

ryan: you are gonna be late for tuition! (HAHA INSIDE JOKE)

yingqi: i can't find my kinder surprise!
ryan: when you find it, you'll be surprised!

goodness me.

anyway talking to serene was good :] i love you backyard talker.
louisa tan, thank you for calling (& waking me up btw) early in the morning haha to check if i was alright. haha i was feeling very ---- last night but im okay alr lah aiyo! :]


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