Friday, September 29, 2006

And there's a few bored faces in the back
All wishing they weren't there

I think I haven't blogged for a month of something. Nothing much's happened, life is as boring as ever. We're in the midst of EOYs yet I'm online every night without fail, hip hip hurray. Anyway I've a feeling I'm going to fail my stupid English compo because I didn't realize it was a descriptive essay & I hardly described my feelings :\ Geography was rather fun, making up our facts then laughing about them after the paper. I fell asleep during the Chinese compo which led me to drawing a line on the paper without realizing it, haha. Emath today was shit, I'll be really lucky to pass.

Anyway the after school's have been pretty good, spent mostly with Jiaxuan & Luiza. Mugged like shit for Emath after school with Mdm Lee yesterday, she's pretty entertaining. Then Jiaxuan's dad came to pick us around 6 & there was this new study chair her dad bought in the backseat, HAHA it practically took up the entire backseat it was so hilarious. We just stood there laughing for super long then we went into the car & Jiaxuan had to sit on the handle of the chair & all that, really funny. Then as we were driving along some people looked into the car & started pointing, heehee. Tuition was rather good :] I understood plenty but sadly I forgot everything during the paper today.

Anyway today Lu & I were supposed to be good kids & study Physics & Chemistry, but we ended up talking nonsense & then she left me for the playground & I fell asleep in the family lounge, haha. Until Mdm Lee came and woke me up, going "Yingqi! Yingqi! Hurry!" Then she taught me a question on pressure. And oh, my tie & the bottom part of my pinafore has traces of milo on them thanks to Luiza Lee. Haha she said something really unbelievable and that led me to spit out all the milo in my mouth and most of it landed on my pinafore ]: Then we decided to go home cause we weren't studying at all. Met Kelly & Vanessa at Macs, & I bought a Happy Meal which Luiza ate up & Kelly took the toy! Oh well. Then Cheryl came & we left. Haha then that nice girl accompanied me down the bus when it wasn't her stop yet cause I wanted to go to Heartland Mall. But anyway I didn't go there, I ended up sitting at the bus stop talking to Lou on the phone for damnit long then I decided I wanted to go home :] Upon reaching home, I fell asleep on the floor.

What a productive day!