Sunday, August 27, 2006

my secret is fatally gorgeous
i'd die for you

my sister is HAHAHA, she really amuses me sometimes. haha first she gave me the siandiao look & went 'huh not mean at all pls' when i told her what i did & that i felt very mean (but no, i don't feel mean at all anymore) then today, when we were talking & i was telling her about sth. heeheehaha

me: walau then you know what her friends went to tag! they ----
sister (stupid look): huh, she got friends ah.

250806 Part I
haha at 12AM during camp, the group started singing the birthday song :] in english, chinese & malay! and luiza lee shouted 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' across the canteen. mijie ally chew & vivien came and stood in one row in front of me and started singing. pangs went 'meepok! happy birthday!' & jean said 'happy birthday yingqi! i pass over alr! hahaha'. at the dorm jacq went 'FROGGY! happy birthday!' haha peiqi was damn sleepy when she said 'happy birthday!' liumin waved sleepily in my face & said 'eh happy birthday!' and i was on the 2nd floor, when mijie shouted up 'OY COME DOWN!' haha she brought my present to camp! then lights out & i was just lying there when emain said 'oy pass the flashlight' then she maple & jacq huddled in one corner, giggling like mad. they were making my birthday card la! haha but they really suck at hiding it. then the entire camp sang the birthday song before breakfast :]

jacqueline melissa hongadi NURSEY! haha thanks for the card & everything! and for making me feel special, then saying that i AM special. walau we were in the same dorm! pity you couldnt sleep next to me, haha i know you totally wanted to, just like PMB camp time! anyw you've really been the best nurse ever. i love you so much.
lee e main hey emain -bimbo wave! like TOTAAAALLY! hahaha i love you stupid bimbo person. the last night was hilarious. scented manicured nails right! we cant wash our cutlery! must make serene wash, cause it'll ruin our manicure! haha whatever you! anyway thanks for cheering me up when i felt annoyed & everything! yay im so glad we were in the same group, i love you! and no backing out! HAHA LOVE.
maple lim shi feng hey maple -bimbo wave! HAHA thank you for recruiting our vice pres & our mascot ah! omg youre damn hilarious. and who's plastic! HAHA we planned to be mean the whole night but we failed ): and she really wouldnt have realized it, stupid serene seow. anyway thanks for being such a fabulous groupmate! you finished all your food halfway through! damn funny, alright i love you maplestory! HAHAHA okay LOVE YOU, like totally!
serene seow zhi xin hello you super lousy person. "omg serene are you okay!", " serene dont cry!" "serene i help you!" " serene, i wear your shoe for you!", "serene can or not!" AND THE LIST GOES ON. haha alright i should stop talking about it cos i know you feel mean too! haha i love you la stupid woman : D thank you for the car rides yup & for always being so encouraging during the entire camp when i got damn sian & everything. rah i love youuuuuu

250806 Part II

the best classmates ever
hokay i really really love these people.
okay so lets recount the entire day / night / morning! mmhmm so at around 1PM i told my grandma i wanted to go out. then she went "ni bu ke yi chu qu! ni de peng you yao lai!" then i was totally HUH, my friends want to come? haha then she went on to say that my friends called early in the morning to find out my address & one of them left their number. so i went to look at the number written on the post-it next to the phone & it was lim jia xuan's. haha then anyway i called them & they said "COME TO SCHOOL NOW!" so i cabbed down to school & there was a horrible jam outside cause the primary school was being dismissed. anyway i headed to class :] then i saw the terribly nice banner, awww i am still very touched. the Food Club presented me with an M&M's dispenser which i think i want to bring to school, so we can all pull the fat M&M's arm and get chocolates :] oh then linziqian wrote me a 310-word story! haha and the browncow wrote a very very nice msg :] walked around to say hello to people & cordelia the stupid slut went "OMG WHY ARE YOU IN SCHOOL! YOU SUCK! I NEVER BRING YOUR PRESENT!" haha then she gave me this very cute note :] louisa tan also went "WHY ARE YOU IN SCHOOL!" ohwell. went to the canteen with jiehui & jiaxuan and stayed there till 630 waiting for shaorou, ziqian, xunmin & may to finish cca. then we all trooped to jiehui's house & dumped our bags there. then suddenly jiehui made us go into a room & then she switched on the tv & WOW. i was really really surprised, by the video, and extremely touched. then just as the video ended, jiehui & jiaxuan came up the steps with a cake :] ohman i love them. mmhmm then we headed to the movie room, and started eating. then they gave me my present, all wrapped up in this box kinda shape. then shaorou went "eh we bought you the you know, the puzzle kind, must twist one. we hope you can become more intelligent. oh! its from one dollar shop." teeheehee it wasnt. anyway i really believed them, i feel so stupid now. mango > adorably gold :] haha thank you friends! mm then we finished the cake & went to the prata shop to have dinner. and we totally embarrassed ourselves. jiaxuan spilled curry all over the ice lemon tea can and on ziqian's side of the table HAHA. then shaorou proceeded to spill sugar -_- and she eats super funnily goodness. mmhmm then they left & jiaxuan, jiehui & i went back to jiehui's house. we watched bring it on! its damn nice, haha we know new cheers now yay. mmhmm then jiehui went down to her room to sleep at around 12+, and jiaxuan & i slept on the comfy chairs (physics test!) HAHA we tried swinging our arms forwards & backwards it was hilarious. then we talked & talked till we fell asleep :] woke up at 930, went down for breakfast, came up & watched more bring it on! haha then jiaxuan & i left at 12 :]

jiaxuan & jiehui say : we're going to anderson primary to give jiaxuan's brother money. he forgot to take pocket money.
they mean : we are going to buy your cake, so you cant come along!

they say : stay at home, go and sleep, come to school at 5PM.
they mean : stay at home, then come to school at 5PM, so we can decorate your house!

jiehui says : yingqi! smell my wallet! my mothers new perfume, nice or not?
she means : yingqi! smell my wallet, i hope you'll like your birthday present!

cherry tan HNBC! haha you're always saying 'AYS!' thank you for being such a wonderful seating partner, for helping me all the time, with whatever i have to rush out that day & for waking me up in class :] i promise to stop sleeping! thank you for the super cute M&M's dispenser, we shall use it in class! we're the Food Club right! haha no more kekebinbins alr, i shall refill :] thank you for everything! LOVE YOU
chui shaorou bestie! hello you :] thank you for all the planning you guys did yup. haha sorry for spoiling the surprise la! anyway the banner rocks & the present & the video & everything la, its all too much to list out. thank you for listening to me everytime i felt upset / stupid whatever lah. i miss sitting near you! haha but at least we can spend recess together :] thanks for everything, love you bestie!
gonghua captain! hello my dearest huahua! haha sorry i forgot our bestfriends song! can you please try to remember it then teach me again! i promise to remember it properly this time, i shall record it down :] aye must mix english & chinese okay, and we must hold hands when we sing the song! haha very funny okay. you are a very good captain, even though you keep threatening us when you want sth! haha alright thank you for making my birthday so wonderful, love you captain!
khoo jiehui hello jiehui! :] haha staying over at your house last night really rocked, ohman i love your comfy chairs + movie room. haha i love you too! alright thanks so much for the video. and sorry for spoiling the surprise! i feel damn stupid, spoiling my own surprise. hahaha okay nevermind. walau yknw i was super super touched when i saw the video, THEN i saw the cake! you all really rock, i love you.
lim jiaxuan HAHAHA your turn. talking last night was damn fun & informative right! hahaha im laughing thinking about it okay. alright alright, walau yknw when i saw your number i was like 'JIAXUAN WANTS TO COME?!' very funny, then you make me go to school -_- so that you can decorate my house. but i was really touched by the banner, the video, the present, everything lah! and you were damn nice to deliver the drink to me when i wasnt in class :] thank you jiaxuan! i love you plenty.
lin ziqian M&M's friend! haha okay you can read my mind, i really wanted a dispenser especially during the period of time when i had job attachment at cocoa trees! haha i'd look at the dispensers everyday & then i would keep saying how much i wanted want. thank you CL! haha thank you for the 310-word long story, i tell you you'd better write a 31 page long letter next year :] anyway the video was touching & so was the cake. dont be scared of dogs anymore okay! you & shaorou were really worrying yesterday! okay i love you :]
luiza lee WIFEY! you didnt come last night ]: haha but nevermind, seeing you for 2days & 1night in a row was enough. haha okay kidding. i'm so glad you went for camp, thank you for listening to me talk. then after talking to you i went back to my table smiling like mad everyone thought i was crazy : thank you for being such a huge part of my sec3 life yup. i'm so thankful for the balcony talk that day, so long ago :] and the songs on your ipod! haha damn nice & nostalgic. thank you for being part of everything, i love you.
may lee excuse me, i do make full use of my limbs - i went trekking for how long! haha ask xunmin! anyway you're super cute & i'm sorry if i always say that you are short HAHA. okay la okay no matter how much you eat you'll be super super slim right! haha thank you for last night, thank you so much for the video, the present, the banner, the dinner aye i dont wanna list alr. thank you my dearest 'you-dont-use-your-limbs friend' i love you!
wong xunmin captains on the deck! HAHA hello wongxunmin :] person who squashed with me on the floor laughing like shit when they said 'four men eating!' HAHA DAMN FUNNY omg i want to redo it! okay you must think im mad. anyway we survived camp yay! we now know more funny songs, we can sing them in class! i miss our english A2 group! aye we need to do more projects together! i miss discussing everything online! rah thank you for the video & the present & everything! oh! yknw what i suddenly thought of - IPW presentation! haha '----- feeding!' okay okay very gross. i love you friend!

250806 Part III
okay so i arrived at the lift landing to find no one there, haha then felicia came like fifteen minutes later and together we went for tuition twenty minutes late, hilarious. then as we walked in, hilary went 'eh jeryl getting cake ah' haha then felicia looked at him like she wanted to kill him. anyway i really wasnt expecting anything, even after he said that. then gloria & jeryl came in like 35 minutes late! and there was super alot of rustling and as gloria walked past the guys' table, she dropped sth. then after that the guys started making alot of noise. (they were sticking candles in the cake, but it turned out horrid HAHA) then at 5:15, mrs tey went 'okay five minutes break' HAHA then they took out the cake & lighted candles & started singing :] it really was unexpected, very surprising! haha then we all ate cake, hip hip hurray. tuition really rocked today. i spent the entire 2 hours doing nothing, basically using the chop and chopping all over the place (okay that sounded weird, but you get what i mean - it was the mickey mouse chop) & for the first half of the lesson, felicia jeryl & gloria kept whispering to each other! ohwell i'm really really going to miss them. i promise to come often to find them & we have to go out often too k!

felicia tan hello you super smart person who constantly tops the level! haha i'll never forget your reaction to the --- i told you about! "walau thats all you did? i would have totally smashed up the table la!" haha thank you so much for all your stupid jokes & your retardedness! i'm going to miss you all plenty. GO OUT OKAY I TELL YOU :] love you!
gloria tan hello glonini, ohman. that seems so long ago. all the princess diary-ing! when i have alot of money i shall buy you all seven books :] but that day will never come. haha thanks for the cake but abit you walked in it was damn obvious you were carrying a big plastic bag! haha yup. today you were damn fierce. "eat the cake & shut up lah!" HAHA amusing :] rah thank you for all the funny times, i remember one lesson we did nothing but laugh! goodness. hokay i'm going to miss you all, we've got to go out k. with jamie too, i love you :]
jeryl lee SINCE PRIMARY SIX. haha i still remember you & crystal! arent you glad you transferred from hougang! haha yep, goodness i've known you for so long. rah i'm going to miss you so much. anyw you better buy the cookie that i wrote the card for okay! i spent so long colouring it black & using liquid paper! okay anyway! thanks for the past 4 years, i'm really going to miss you but we'll still talk right, okay obviously :] I LOVE YOU JERYL LEE YI LEI.

byebye tuition ]:

250806 Part IV

i love the sister :]

dinner with the family was good. haha talking to the sister, my dad was playing stupid games, the mom was having difficulty using my camera & the food was good :] rah in the end we all felt very fat. oh & everyone was being exceptionally nice to me, yay. walked around town abit & we went to take pictures in all the mirrors we walked past, haha. yup i think i really love talking to the sister :] haha cos she just listens and then when i get very worked up, she'll give me stupid looks (which are very funny) and then she'll say sth very mean then i'll be amused & not be pissed anymore :] oh then we started acting bimbotic, heeheehee it was really funny and the shopkeeper looked like she wanted to slap me. oh & the sister bought me freaky friday :] we were supposed to watch it together last night but i went offline at 1AM & she was sleeping alr ]:

sister hello you! haha i know you read my blog, so HELLO. anyway thank you for always listening to me when i had to complain about --- (walau you are really very mean), for agreeing to buy me a years supply of maltesers, for the freaky friday (i still want my bring it on), for coming to heartland mall to deliver money & for everything else la! haha i love you :]
ryan cheok hello cousin, haha thank you for the bag yes. rah i'm really going to miss going over to your place every sunday & sitting at the kitchen table to have tuition. haha i'm going to miss borrowing your stupid calculator which keeps blanking out & your graph paper, your foolscap, whatever stationery i needed that i always forget to bring :/, haha. anyway study hard okay & do well for your prelims and o's. dont come online so often anymore! i promise not to go out next sunday :] haha come over okay! love :]

250806 Part V

pretty feet :]

emo club, i love

okay i just reached home :] entire day was spent with the emo club, hip hip hurray. hokay woke up at 12+, msged louisa to say that i would most probably be late in arriving at her house, then she said "dont worry, cc's going to be late too." haha anyway i reached at 2+ and when i walked into her room, cc was all huddled up in a corner, her head buried in her bio textbook & she started laughing. tsk, then the three of us did nothing but lie on louisa's floor all wrapped up in her comforter and fighting for space cause the floor was damn cold haha. then the two of them abandoned me, turned off the lights & went out. right. then about five minutes later, the door opened & because i was lying on the floor with my head in the comforter, i could barely see their feet. haha then i saw candles :] then they started singing a medley of super cute songs, lyrics changed & everything. HAHA and the cake (+ muffins) was shaped in a mickey mouse head, super super cute. mmhmm then we ate cake & in the end, they cut the remainder into a Y shape and i ate the entire thing, rah. then we went to lie on louisa's bed and look through connexio, teehee & then suddenly it was 630 goodness. and that was about the time cc started going mad :/ "starve on monday, starve on tuesday, starve on wednesday, starve on thursday, friday, friday, friday, friday's a holiday!" goodness! i really dont know what to say, i just kept laughing. so then we decided to go out for dinner & the three of us walked to circus where cc went mad even more & she and louisa were quoting like mad from mean girls and subsequently, monsters inc. we spent extremely long trying to decide where to have dinner at. haha then when we finally decided on cafe cartel, we kept troubling the waiters by asking them to bring us stuff. haha and cc was being really really retarded! she kept saying random things (ciabatta + "are you gonna eat that?") & louisa looked like she wanted to cry, HAHAHA. anyway we had to sit outdoors cause they had to do some pest control thing inside the air conditioned place ("im wanted, IM HOT") HAHAHA alright im really laughing to myself. anyway we had dinner, then gelato & walked back to louisa's place. lou made alot of noise cause the stupid girl kept dripping ice cream all over herself, goodness me. OH she became drunk :/ how horrible. then my dad came & we had to rush cc to SGCC haha cause she was supposed to be there studying the entire day, tsk tsk tsk! anyway mission was accomplished in the end :] yay i love today.

louisa tan uhm, DONALPOO! haha thank you for today yes, sorry i kept uhm, pushing back the days! and for er, ruining the surprise? haha but i was still surprised by the cute mickey mouse shaped cake. i really would never have realized it if you two didnt point it out to me. yay i have muffins for breakfast tmrw (is your muffin buttered?) HAHA alright. thank you for the cute flags on the cake! aye thanks for being such a fantastic friend, im really glad all that happened last year is behind us now :] thanks for always being there, i promise to stop being emo, okay. i promise to stop being SO emo. anyway trips to your house always rock, yay & now we have tuition together! rah i hope i dont die tmrw. haha thank you for everything louisatan, I LOVE YOU.
low ching chieh daisy low ching chong, i am really very touched yknw that. again, sorry for keep pushing back the dates. anyway! the "cc cannot come on saturday" - it was damn obvious it was fake lah! haha cause louisa sounded like she totally wasnt bothered by the fact that you couldnt make it! anyway thanks for all the planning :] and walau, for sacrificing so much today! i was really scared for you at the end but it all worked out right! heehee, thanks for planning so much, for all the effort put in, for the cake, for risking your life!, for the flags on the cake (daisy is super cute, but mickey is so !!!), for the M(square) & all the retarded jokes, the quotes from mean girls & bring it on & everything else :] thanks for always cheering me up when i'm emo yeah. haha and for showdowning with me when i'm bored even though you get very stressed. eh study hard for your o's okay! then after that we can have plenty of emo club outings, I LOVE YOU

hokay the birthday weekend is over, but i've yet to celebrate with the bestfriends, rah. soon okay! haha this is the best birthday i've ever had. thank you everyone who has made this year's oh so wonderful :] I LOVE YOU ALL.

charmaine cheok > i miss you.

Friday, August 25, 2006

if i go crazy then will you still
call me superman

i'm home, hurray.

camp was alright :] haha rollercoaster-like, -looks at serene & maple. the group was Rocking :] trekking was probably the best part of the entire thing. i really suck at bearings & reading maps and compasses : thank goodness for peiting helping us. anyhow the trek was rather fun, we just walked & walked & walked. haha maple & i talked alot goodness i think we spent the entire thing just talking and eating biscuits. serene seow was being such a plastic! haha -looks at maple & emain! bathing on the first day was Terrible. maple & i ran into one cubicle and kept laughing and laughing and then we pressed the shower and we were totally soaked, then we couldnt stop laughing and people were pounding nonstop on the stupid door so we just opened it and walked out in our petee & shorts, HAHA. the two of us thought it was horrible, serene prefers to think of it as a 'memorable experience' oh well. campfire was rather fun, i suppose :] emain & maple got super high goodness. haheho :] i miss the stupid bimbo club, hahaha emain & maple were really really hilarious i want to laugh just thinking about it. and serene was super disgusted! regina kept trying to backout of the club, and peiling is our official mascot, HAHA RETARDED. ugh i miss them ]:

on a happier note, i'm going to see the beloved friends later. hip hip hurray for jiaxuan jiehui shaorou ziqian may xunmin & luiza :] rah i want to go to school now, i highly doubt i'm going to sleep anyway.

thank you everyone who wished! <3

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

the hint of these new tears are sharp
i try to choke them back

school this week has been really, really great. the classmates really rock & FC never fails to make my day. yesterday's intensive tuition was good :] i felt very intellectual last night, heehee. surprisingly, after almost 4&1/2 hours of tuition i wasnt exhausted. on the contrary, i managed to finish 3 jianbaos, come online & talked to people :] yup

didn't fall asleep in any lessons in class today :] chem SPA was alright, i suppose. recess was spent in class with shaorou & everything was rather slack. oh we had some magic show thing for physics haha it was entertaining & rather interesting. haheho then we took super long to get back to class cos we went around mirrors taking pictures, HAHA. school's been good, i really don't feel like going for the camp, ugh.

so saturday will be my last day at mathtuition, after 4 years with jeryl, felicia & gloria. ugh im really going to miss all the talking & bitching (haha), telling them all about my week in school & listening to theirs, laughing at stupid relief teachers, laughing at stupid random things, sneaking food or soyabean+pearls up to class, having stupid conversations with the receptionist about erasers & correction tape & everything else. i can't believe i actually let my parents pressurize me into quitting this tuition, damnit. shit i'm really going to miss them so much.

so charmaine's leaving tmrw, and she wont be back till what, february? ugh i'm going to miss the cousin like dont know what. no more sunday afternoons, bitching about people, taking stupid videos / pictures, demanding of OC episodes RAH. ohwell, i'll be at the airport at 0615 :]

i hate change.

charmaine hello everything's written in the letter, i guess. but yep, i could really never thank you enough for everything you've done. i'll miss you -hugs.
buddy hello thank you for the nametag heehee you'll get sth in term 4 hurray. anyway dont miss me while i am at camp, i know you want to msg me every night! haha alright YDS la :]
slut please cheer up okay. it's not all pointless & meaningless :] it'll get better, i promise. and i'll always be here! i love you dear.
emo club hello you two i really really am very sorry about friday okay. ugh another day please! you two pick whatever day you like & i promise i will cancel whatever i have, however important it is!
FC browncow & chickenlittle, i'm going to miss you two. please dont let anna sit in my seat okay! very freaky. haha help yourselves to all the kekebinbin lah, thats what FC is for!
hannah hello bestfriend. take care of yourself while i'm not around for 3 days okay hahaha. please study hard & pass your stupid retest or else. and stop watching so much grey's anatomy! alright thank you for talking last night, love you :]
brandon hello you :] thank you for talking to me yes mmhmm. i'll see you first sept :] haha arent you excited! hokay see you then :]
janice hello miss philosophical. rah thank you for making me feel positive about camp! please dont be moody tmrw. message if anything yup -hugs.

I thought of you and where you'd gone
And the world spins madly on.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Where have you been?
I've been waiting so long to hear from you.
And all the things that we said we would do
Remains to be plans of the past.

We've been, we've been too quiet for too long.
Where is, where is the hope we once had?
It's too late to be saved by your charm,
We'll never get this right.

Your words are cold, and the season is too,
The comfort in your voice is gone.
Don't keep in touch, I'm better off all alone
You've lost everything that I've loved.

So is it worth this time?
Am I done in your mind?
Will I regret once you're gone?
Why did I ever think that we would, we would be good?

We've been, we've been too quiet for too long.
Where is, where is the hope we once had?
It's too late to be saved by your charm,
We'll never get this right.

Well alright, I'm sorry I even tried.
I was a fool to have hope in you, in you


we thought we'd last forever but all that faded away.
forever and forever ended today.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

our hopes and plans are unfulfilled.
it's overwhelming.

heehee ive just finished listening to The Emo Song. today was uneventful, except for math tuition which was fabulous as usual. telling felicia & jeryl all about --- was good, they really know what to say - "huh?! that's all you did?!" heehee :] then sneaking down during the 5minutes break to get food and then smuggling it back into the centre :] i'm really going to miss them.

yesterday was good :] cherry & ziqian rock, heehee. OH! and i did all the math questions mdm lee told us to do hurray. qian left during recess & i think she did well for her piano exam! hurray. see yesterday was good. mm then the period before assembly was the usual "girls, wake up" "look at the slides" "girls stop eating" "girls i feel like im talking to your national day board at the back" hahaha cherry & i listened okay :] okay now on to the highlight of the day.

during recess >
lou : eh yings! cc wants to watch lakehouse!
me : (unconcerned) huh okay lor. with who?
lou : US!

HAHAHA. anyway we didn't catch lakehouse in the end, which was good. we had dinner at mos, at the exact same table. we took extremely long to eat & lingjing and amanda visited after their dental. louisa removed onions for her own burger & mine using er, two straws. anyway! the two of them made me feel very very bad BUT i dont feel bad anymore hip hip hurray. hokay we made alot of noise there & people kept tapping the glass goodness me. and the guy behind was being annoying cos he kept moving & the stupid chair kept shifting! then we got bored & lou and i wanted dessert, so we decided to move off.

ended up at coffee bean & we just talked and talked and talked. learnt alot of stuff :] aiya i dont know how to say lah. it was just nice, we should have more talks yay. i think coffee bean is a conducive place to talk, mos isnt very good cos its full of little kids. k then we all left at 9:30-ish.

i think i want to spend more time with the emo club. okay, scratch the 'i think' i really want to spent more time with the emo club. aye holidays okay! haha the two of them really rock, i can tell them anything :]

Thursday, August 17, 2006

and our trails go unmarked and unmapped and covered
just as soon as they are crossed.

i slept at 8PM last night, heehee. after dinner i went straight to my room & then i just fell asleep there. oh well, it felt good to sleep for so long :]

today was great! mm lit was rather okay actually, the Food Club was being entertaining! haha we have like no food yet but tmrw! there'll be :] hokay, chinese was er the standard. math was fun! cos the three of us totally didn't understand anything and we spent like half an hour stoning then i decided to ask jiaxuan to teach me. recess was good, talking in class :] then short three rocks talk along the corridor. thank you lingjing & lou! mm english was entertaining, math was unproductive cos there was only like, 5 minutes of lesson for me. hahaha okay nevermind. oh geography was amusing! only 2 people passed the graded assignment, goodness me it was an open book. then cherry & i got very bored and we decided to read our joy luck club. mm then talking to shaorou, jiaxuan, jiehui & gonghua was hilarious! haha they are such wonderful friends.
"aiya your birthday ah. budget about one thousand billion can already la right." - jiaxuan.
"we cruise to london! then we can go africa also. antartica ah, too cheap already lah. i ask my dad to send 10 private jets over can already lah! and order 100 maids!" - jiehui.
"we book the whole singapore okay! then ask everyone to evacuate to malaysia." - shaorou.
& gonghua just sat there eating waffle crisps. heehee i love them.
camp briefing was so much fun with xunmin, luiza, liumin, germaine & audrey! haha im laughing now thinking about it. xunmin really cracks me up omg, yay we have funny quotes to laugh about in class now! then during the er, ice breaker thing, xunmin & i mostly sat on the floor & laughed, attempting to hide ourselves so that the facils couldnt see us. HAHAHA it was supremely funny. ohman why cant we group according to classes! the five of them are seriously entertaining :]

choir after that, bus-ed home with serene seow & cindy chia. haha then serene & i spent 40 minutes at the bus stop / stadium car park talking :] it was nice. thank you backyard talker!

yay today was great! i love the classmates, hip hip hurray

Monday, August 14, 2006

Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes we can!

Scoop, Muck and Dizzy,
And Roley too.
Lofty and Wendy
Join the crew.

Bob and the gang
Have so much fun.
Working together
They get the job done.

Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes we can! (I think so!)

Pilchard and Bird,
Travis and Spud.
Playing together
Like good friends should.

Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes we can! (Yes!)

this is playing on the iTunes now, from The Happy Mix :] haha thank you cc yay!

hokay today wasnt too bad lah. i didnt exactly feel very sleepy during lessons. i had hello panda & er, some stuff luiza gave to me yay. i shall go offline before 12 tonight. recess was spent with the lovely emo club :]

two of my favourite people who never fail to make me smile :]

daisy a low ching chong : HELLO CC :] haha yes, THE solitaire buddy / chicks rule! (im still laughing cause the chick is next to my mouse) / meangirls bringiton orangecounty friend etc! i hope you like your present yes haha. go play go play! yup its all trivia stuff. i can go and play with you after your o's yay. so fun! oh & the burn book was hilarious haha. walau you really quoted alot from the shows! mmhmm & i really really appreciate the happymix. i promise to listen to it whenever i feel emo then i definitely wont feel emo anymore :] rah we will continue to showdown / conference / go to J8 & be emo okay! i'm going to miss you rah. LOVE YOU DAISY :] (oh you better wear the nametag occassionally HAHA)

BOTBOTB buddy : hello appreciate your 10page letter please! im glad it made your day less awful. haha stop laughing about me laughing in the dark alr lah but you really amused me! anyway you're offline now and annoying stuff is happening UGH. okay i shall tell you about it next time. yes lah yes lah you rock too :] haha answer all my questions okay though i still dont think i asked that much! okay okay byebye see you tmrw. see la tonight i cannot CE ]:

alright! im off to finish the argumentative essay & er, finish studying for physics.


Friday, August 11, 2006

yay school in two hours' time :]

haha this is funny!

we <3 SG ! heehaw ! says:
lets say hello to each other
we <3 SG ! heehaw ! says:
then we can be hello panda

HAHAHA. byebye now.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

i don't know why you're so far away
but i know that this much is true

today was good :] okay fine so i slept at 4AM last night (or rather, this morning) then i had to wake up at 730AM to go to kebun baru cc for the er, national day thing. anyway, it didnt go very well so yeah. mm then lou's parents sent me home (thanks alot :]) met lou at heartland mall at 1 to get stuff & all, haha now when i think about what we bought its quite funny. then we went to citilink to meet wanting who passed lou her camera memory card. mmm then down to kallang to meet jing! THEN WE WENT TO THE NATIONAL STADIUM : D

it was so damn fun omg! haha i wna go again with the two of them! we were like exploring the funpacks, and taking out everything! haha then the stupid tattoos were damn hard to put on but we succeeded in the end! oh we were super super enthusiastic in singing & waving the flags & clapping the clapsticks! the atmosphere was super good! & i think we influenced the guy next to us to be super enthusiastic as well haha! oh then i was trying really really hard to look for xunmin & may when the UGs came out! mmhmm singing the songs were really the best part of the entire thing & the fireworks were nice :] I LOVE LOU & JING, i am so glad tmrw is gna be spent with them again. yay

okay i am very annoyed now RAH

Sunday, August 06, 2006

and i cant fight this feeling anymore
ive forgotten what ive started fighting for

these two days have been pretty good, yet tiring & emotionally draining at the same time. but i'm thankful for all the people who've been there for me always :]

met lou & her parents at heartland mall at around 11, then her parents drove us to xueting's house and then all of us subsequently got covered in black paint eew. oh then my mom refused to let me skip tuition ugh, so at 5:30 i cabbed down to serangoon central & had 10 minutes of tuition, hahaha. tuition was rubbish la hahaha but seeing gloria & felicia was nice. mm then went over to charmaine's at night for her going away party but i ended up falling asleep in the room, even though the people downstairs were making alot of noise. mmhmm left at around 11 kinda thing. oh then i came online :] and then i stayed online till 3AM, then watched tv till 4 & fell asleep.

yesterday was super super emotionally draining but i dont know, overall yesterday was really good? oh then i started thinking about stuff again which made me upset & stressed, haha i think i suck okay.

today was fun :] went out with the aunt & the most wonderful cousins ever - charmaine & ryan haheho :] had lunch at dintaifung, then walked to funan (it was very hot!), looked at computers and all, then on to paragon where the burberry staff were really really horrible (SHUI GUO! -looks at ryan HAHA), mm then jasons, then we came back to ntuc cause jasons didnt have what i wanted heeheehaha. i have funny cousins. see below

ryan: you are gonna be late for tuition! (HAHA INSIDE JOKE)

yingqi: i can't find my kinder surprise!
ryan: when you find it, you'll be surprised!

goodness me.

anyway talking to serene was good :] i love you backyard talker.
louisa tan, thank you for calling (& waking me up btw) early in the morning haha to check if i was alright. haha i was feeling very ---- last night but im okay alr lah aiyo! :]

Thursday, August 03, 2006

oh just stop right there
i think that weve got something here

people / events that made today wonderful (in no order of merit)

> audrey lai huiru the bodyguard for walking me to class
> cordelia han the slut for basically everything
> serene you for being a wonderful seating partner
> michelle chia the BOTBOTB buddy for the funny / cute / stupid / fake crossword
> louisa / lingjing for talking, as usual :]
> 3 grace for being such an enthusiastic & fun class

haha i love you all <3